Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New Girl: Neighbors

          After popular demand (and again, popular demand at this point is one person suggesting something) I’ve decided to add New Girl to my stable of television show reviews.  And I chose quite a week to start reviewing.  The first five minutes of Neighbors was probably the funniest thing I’ve seen so far this season.  The amount of quotable lines in those five minutes was off the charts.  My favorites both came from Nick.  “I’m finally aging into my personality” and “The Spice is coming back!”  I’m also pretty sure I could watch a full half hour of Zooey doing impersonations of 80’s sitcom personalities.  And of course that is not even mentioning the fact that I’m 90% certain that I worked with the four hipster neighbors at some point in my five years at Amoeba.
            Nick is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters on TV.  Jess is adorable, Schmidt is obviously the crowd favorite, but for my money Nick is the character that brings the show home.  He ties all the crazy together and does so with a bitterness that is right up my alley.  I may have turned the show on because of Zooey Deschanel but Jake Johnson’s Nick has kept me watching.
            The most glaring fault of this young show is the character I left out.  This episode was just further proof that the writers just aren’t sure what to do with Winston.  It always feels like he’s struggling to fit in and find his voice and that is leaving a gapping hole in the show.  I’ll admit him getting ready to hit Schmidt in the neck with a ski at the end of the episode had me laughing, but his story line in the episode just didn’t seem to make much sense.  People blame his underdevelopment on the fact that they had to replace Damon Wayans jr. when Happy Endings got surprisingly picked-up, but at this point that just doesn’t work for me.  They need to find a way to make Winston fit or just get rid of him.
            I didn’t review the first two episodes this season, so New Girl’s record will have to be two episodes short.  After this week its 1-0.

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