Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Top 5: Things Killing Bin Laden Didn't Solve

     I try to not get political on this blog.  I'd much rather stick to nice light hearted pop culture stuff, but the whole reaction in this country to the killing of Bin Laden stuck me wrong.  I'm all for bad people being removed from the streets, I believe very much in the death penalty for people who commit evil crimes, but the parties in the streets and the chants of "USA" just seemed a little much.  10 years after 9/11 is just feels like there are bigger problems to be taken care of and the whole announcement seems to me to be a wagging the dog situation.  Because of all that, I'm breaking from my usual pop culture lists and doing Top 5 Things Killing Bin Laden Didn't Solve...

5.  Out of Control Gas Prices
          I went down to the local gas station on Monday and checked.  Instead of the killing of Bin Laden lowering the astronomical prices of gas, it actually went up another three cents.  I'll start chanting "USA" at a Red Sox game when Obama finds a way to get my gas back down to $2 a gallon.

4.  Huge Unemployment Rates
          People tell me this is getting better, but I'm still pretty sure it's lower then its been in my life time and I'm also pretty sure Bin Laden had nothing to do with it.  I realize it is much easier to party in the streets all night when you don't have a job to get to in the morning, but I think if you gave people the choice between finally getting Bin Laden or them having a job, they would choose the job.

3.  Unpayable National Debt
          Unless Obama made some deal with all the countries we owe money to that if we kill Bin Laden they will forgive all our debt, this is still a huge problem.  I know that the chase for Bin Laden and the two wars that sprung out of that chase play a big role in that debt, but I also know that it didn't magically go away when he died.  His death also didn't suddenly make all our politicians agree on how to solve the debt problem.  We're still going to have tons of petty arguments gridlocking things from getting done.

2.  Three Wars
          When I woke up Monday morning, even though Bin Laden was dead, the country was still involved in three wars.  Like I said before, I realize that in some part two of those wars sprung from our chase for Bin Laden, but his death didn't stop them from continuing.  I'm not arguing whither we should be taking part in any of the wars or not, that's an argument for another time.  I am pointing out the fact that we were partying in the streets and celebrating our country's superiority while we continued to be involved in three wars we can't seem to end. 

1.  Al Qaeda
          I'm no expert on the Middle East.  I haven't spent any real time researching terrorist groups.  I've never talked to a member of Al Qaeda.  All that being said, I'm pretty sure the death of Bin Laden does not mean the end of Al Qaeda.  We've been chasing the guy for 10 years.  Do you really think he didn't put in some contingency plan in case he died?  I'll even go out on a limb and say Bin Laden hasn't even been running the group for years.  Everything seems to point towards Bin Laden being a smart guy.  I highly doubt when he sent those planes into the towers he didn't figure his time might be up soon.  If anything I think we probably just pissed Al Qaeda off a little bit more.  Let's save the party till we get rid of the whole group, not just one man.

     Don't get me wrong, I support the US troops whole heartily.  I am deeply honored that they put their lives in danger so we can continue living the life we lead.  I am proud of their work getting rid of this very dangerous man.  It needed to be done and they made it happen.  My problem is with our country's reaction.  It felt like baseball teams that pop the Champagne bottles in the locker room after winning the first round of the playoffs.  What are you celebrating?  There's still a lot of work left to do.

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