Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 5: TV Theme Songs

     Another two post day.  In honor of the new TV season I decided to go with Top 5 Favorite TV Theme Songs...

5. Animaniacs
      I debated whether to include this or not.  Most of the TV theme songs we think of were prime time shows and Animaniacs was a afternoon cartoon, but I left the title of the list more open then I was originally thinking.  Animaniacs was a TV show and its theme song was great.  This funny, nonsensical ditty captured the true spirit of the show.  It paraded out all your favorite characters.  It made you laugh.  And most important of all, you couldn't get it out of your head. My favorite part was the line that changed every show.  It gave you something to look forward to every time it came on

4. The Muppet Show
     Even more then the song, I got excited every time the distinct production company logo popped up on my TV screen.  I knew what was going to follow and at the time there was nothing better in the world.  The song is a classic and brings back tons of memories.  I can't imagine anyone not getting a little giddy once it starts to play.

3. Dukes Of Hazzard
     There seems to be a bunch of nostalgia connected to this list for me.  In part I'm sure that has to do with the fact that TV theme songs aren't what they once were.  To a certain extent, another part is that nostalgia plays a roll in everything that we hold dear, so any list of favorites is going to contain a bunch of nostalgia.  This was another childhood favorite.  The night it came on was my favorite day of the week.  I think I enjoyed the car flying through the air more then anything, but the song was damn good too.  The only song on my list by a radio played artist, Waylon Jennings.

2. The A-Team
     One of the best orchestral themes ever as far as I'm concerned, TV or not.  It gets me almost as giddy as the Raiders of The Lost Ark theme or the Star Wars theme.  I know it might be blasphemy to compare it to a John Williams piece of work, but I don't care.  I remember it being a staple whenever the High School band would come play at our grammar school.  It was the only moment I payed attention to what was going on.

1. Cheers
     There isn't much question to this one.  This is by far the greatest theme song ever.  It encapsulated everything the show was about in a tidy minute.  It's totally catchy and could have easily been a huge radio hit without the popular show behind it.  I loved the song as much as I loved the show.

Honorable Mentions: Friends, The Jeffersons, Laverne and Shirley, Mission Impossible


  1. How about the Adams Family, All in the Family or MASH (Suicide is Painless) or Monday Night Football.

  2. Ok, here's a few that I thought of. Hawaii 5-0, The Theme from Coach (really good football style march), and The Fresh Prince. Yeah, I know that it wasn't a great show but my students still know the words to it. I don't know how, but they do.

  3. How did I forget The Fresh Prince? That should have at the very least made my honorable mentions. I slipped on that one.
    I can't argue with any of the others suggested, they just didn't resonate with me. I'm sure most TV viewers consider MASH and Hawaii 5-0 two of the best, everyone who hears the first two notes knows what it is, but they don't do anything for me.
