Monday, September 13, 2010

Big Brother: BRIGADE

     So, the boys changed tact once again and decided to run with what got them there.  In a lot of ways, this season of Big Brother reminds me of Survivor: Africa.  As much as I was entertained by the cast members, the sides where chosen right at the beginning and loyalty and smart play kept that alliance in power the whole season.  I'd like to feel bad for Brittney, but as I have pointed out, she had many opportunities to change the game in her favor but just didn't.  Did she not realize how tight the boys were?  Maybe.  I think she just let her personal feelings affect her game play.  When someone is an outsider they are in their weakest position and more willing to join forces.  She could have used this to make a pact with Brendon and Ragan and Kathy and the game would have been changed, but she had to get Brendon out of the house.
     I think its Hayden's game to lose.  He is already in the final competition and if he wins he'll take Lane.  I'm not sure how much Rachel and Brendon will hold in house fights against Hayden and who knows which way Matt and Ragan will go, but I figure the vote will fall 5-2 Hayden.  Enzo just can't win a competition, so I doubt he'll be a factor, but I guess there is an outside chance he gets into the final and upsets Hayden.  In that case, I think he takes Lane and the vote falls much the same way.  Have to wait until Wednesday to find out.  My final rankings...


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