Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Big Brother: Finale

     Ok, this is a little late but I felt obliged to comment briefly on the finale since I've been posting the whole season.  Really, not much to say.  The votes played out just as I thought.  Hayden deserved to win.  In typical Branden and Rachel fashion, they were following a different show then the rest of us.  To say they voted based on social game was just silly.  All three of the Brigade members that were left in the house played the same social game.  The only thing that separated them was their performances in competitions and Hayden obviously was much better then the other two.  I interpreted their idea of "best social game" to mean, the person we liked the best.  I never thought that the two of them got over the fight with Hayden and Kristen, and I was right.  I don't think the vote would have been much different if Enzo had stayed in the house instead of Lane.  Maybe Brittney's vote would have gone to Hayden, making the vote 5-2 instead of 4-3.  Other then that, no surprises.  Even Brittney getting the viewers choice prize seemed obvious.
     As entertaining as the season was, there wasn't much excitement in how it all played out.  The cast kept things interesting.  There were people to like, there were people to hate, but the game play was lacking.  Can't wait until next year.

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