Thursday, August 9, 2012

Movie Review: Total Recall

    I'll start things off by mentioning that I have never seen the original version of Total Recall, so I harbor no great affection for the source material or hatred for whoever thought it was a good idea to remake the Schwarzenegger classic.  I won't be comparing how much of the original movie was carried over to the new one, what was left out and if the likeness or unlikeness to the first movie makes the second better or worse.  To me this movie is totally original.  Well, original in the sense that I don't know how much or little was taken directly from another movie.  It's not so original in the way that it has a billion tropes it's stolen from every dystopic sci-fi film ever made.
     The premise of Total Recall is very promising, a normal guy in a futuristic world realizes that he may a secret agent totally blurring the idea of what is real and what is not, but in typical blockbuster form never quite goes to the depths that would have made the actual movie interesting.  Something tells me the short story by Philip K Dick was much more intriguing and satirical then what this movie ended up being.  I've learned that one should never expect heady material from an action movie, so I wasn't really disappointed but at the same time this movie could have been so much more.
     There isn't much to complain about, the plot was fine, the acting was good, the action was entertaining, the world was well defined and visually interesting.  I certainly can't complain with Jessica Biel and Kate Beckinsale being on the screen.  Nothing in the movie felt new even without seeing the original since it felt like every other futuristic sci-fi movie ever made and there was nothing new or interesting about the story.  I wasn't offended and my attention was held through the whole movie but at the end of the day though this movie is totally forgettable.  It was a somewhat entertaining two hours, but in a few months I might not even remember it was even made.

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