Sunday, August 19, 2012

Big Brother 14: Eviction Journal

     Again, this is really late and probably not worth putting up, but I'm doing it anyway.  Here's this week's eviction journal...

1:00 - I understand the whole "I'm not going to change who I am" attitude and the "I refuse to kiss ass" philosophy, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to act like an ass.  Wil's performance in the HOH room is going to get him a one way ticket home.  Not smart game play at all.

1:57 - If I were Frank I would have backdoored Dan.  I'm not saying it's the right move, Boogie might be right that it's to early to mess with the alliance, but I would have taken the opportunity to get rid of one of the better players in the house.

4:46 - Dan is stressing about being backdoored.  The thing is, his game play opens him up to that type of attack.  If he would win competitions once and a while he wouldn't be able to be backdoored.  Stop tanking and you'll have less to worry about Dan.

5:25 - Wil hopes Joe will dig his own grave... hi pot, meet kettle.

6:45 -  Dan says he is always trying to win... no you don't and nobody believes that

8:32 - Dan is upset that Frank would turn on him... I'm pretty sure the point is for one person to win, so at some point everyone has to turn everybody else.  You're still in the house, Dan, so you can't get upset.

12:15 - Ian's woman issues make me uncomfortable.  Not is a creepy way, but in a you're so damn awkward way.

19:38 - Can we just put Joe's family in the house?  Holly cow they were awesome.  Throwing Dad/Husband under the bus two oar three times over the course of the piece... I love it!

20:41 - Alright, I like Jeff, he's one of my favorite people to watch in the house, but I don't care at all about his opinions on the game.  Unlike Dr. Will, Jeff's specialty wasn't he strategy, so why do I care what he thinks about people's game play?

23:50 - Oh... OK... Jeff didn't give one opinion, it was all just an advertisement for him interviewing evicted guests on-line.  That makes a lot more sense.

27:47 - This week was so boring they aren't even going to interview the HOH before the vote.  They had nothing of interest to ask Frank about.

34:00 - Wil goes home... no surprise at all

38:50 - If we have learned anything about Dr. Will and Boogie over the years it's that you go for the money and forget about the power in these types of competitions, so I think it's safe to say Boogie is going for the $10 thousand.

42:30 - Told ya... why nobody else is going for it is beyond me.

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