Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Reviewing the Previews 7/18

Here's the latest batch of previews I saw at the theater.
And in case you forgot...
F- I will never see this movie under any circumstances
D- I will never pay theater price to see this movie but may watch it on Netflix
C- I might pay to see this if nothing else is playing, if not I'll catch it on DVD
B- I am not sure excited, but I'll probably try to catch it in the theater
A- I'm all in

Here Comes the Boom- F  (10/12/12)
     I have no idea what the rest of America see in Kevin James.  He's just not that funny.  And this movie looks as God awful as a movie can look.  Kevin James decides to be an MMA fighter to get funding for his school.  The preview can't decide if it's supposed to be advertising a comedy or a drama, and I'm sure the movie will miss both by a wide mark.  I'm staying far away.

The Watch- C-  (7/27/12)
     Just looking at the cast, this should be an A+ preview.  I would usually be all in on anything done by Ben Stiller or Vince Vaughn and I tend to find Jonah Hill very entertaining, but this preview was horrible.  None of the jokes were funny, all the characters looked super annoying, and there are real aliens involved.  I have no interest to see the movie hinted at in this preview, but the cast is to good to just ignore, so I guess I'll force myself to watch it at some point.

Wreck-It Ralph- (11/2/12)
     This is another preview that caused me mixed feelings.  I'm not sold on the premise, I don't know where the story is going to go and how interesting it could possibly be, nothing in the preview was really all that funny, but I love the fact that it's centered in the video game world of my childhood.  I'm really interested to see how they work in the video game characters I loved when I was growing up and that by itself is enough to get me to sit down and watch.

The Campaign- (8/10/12)
     I have super high hopes for this one.  Although the preview has some light chuckles in it, it isn't super funny, which in this case I think is a good sign.  I think it's pretty much impossible for Zach Galifianakis and Will Ferrell to not be funny, so my theory is that they saved the funniest moments for the movie instead of ruining them by putting them in the trailer.  There is a small chance that this movie will suck, but I'm willing to take that chance.

Anchor Man 2- A+  (sometime 2013)
     This is really just a teaser, but it's a teaser with a story.  A few years ago the studio wanted to make a sequel to Anchor Man, so everyone got together and started working on a script and got all excited about working together again and then the studio decide against it.  So, this time, when the studio went looking to make the movie, Will Ferrel, Adam McCay and company ran out and put together a teaser to put into theaters so the studios would be forced to go ahead with the project.  Anchor Man is one of the funniest movies ever made, a movie that gets funnier with every viewing.  So even though there is no script yet, I can't wait for part 2!

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