Friday, July 27, 2012

Big Brother 14: Eviction Journal #2

     I watched this episode on my TIVO as opposed to on-line so the time code isn't as good, but here's the latest eviction journal anyway...

2:00 - Danielle really should have put up a bigger fight to stay in the house then she has so far.  Instead of moping and crying she should have been trying to make deals.  She cute as hell, but she doesn't deserve to stay in the house.

4:00 - We're going to hear from Dr. Will!!  I couldn't be more excited!!

4:30 - Everyone is leaving you, Danielle, because you sit there and cry instead of getting people on your side.  Stand up for yourself!

5:00 - For all his coach talk, Dan is stupid.  The key to good coaching or motivating is to know your audience and tailor your message to whatever is going to work for them.  He should have known by this point that Danielle was not going to react well to him telling her she's on her own.  Really bad coaching on his part.

7:00 - Ian has to lay there as JoJo and Shane flirt... something tells me Ian should be use to being the third wheel.

8:00 - Danielle is now getting bent because Shane is flirting with JoJo.  Danielle just isn't built for this game.

9:00 - Ashely isn't just bat-shit crazy, she's dumb as a brick too.  She misused at least 3 words in the matter of a minute.  Then again, Danielle and Janelle didn't know what any of them meant either.

18:00 - In all seriousness, that Willie incident was far from the worst thing to happen on Big Brother.  There have been other situations where I feared much more for the well-being of other players and they've kept the lunatic in the house.

19:00 - Of course Ian was an RA

20:00 - Dr. Will is the Babe Ruth of Big Brother.  He defined what a great player was and changed how the game was played in the process.  The first season of Big Brother was like watching paint dry, then Will stepped on the scene and helped make the show we know today.  Any air time he gets is awesome.

22:00 - YES!  Dr. Will just echoed my thoughts on Dan's draft picks... not that my thoughts were any great revelation that anyone with eyes could have made.

29:00 - JoJo... you are from New York... you can certainly lie and cheat... that's what New Yorkers do

31:00 - Gay men everywhere have to be yelling at their TVs over Wil attire.  How can anyone take he serious in that outfit?

36:00 - Shane votes against Danielle... not sure how he is going to talk his way out of this one when she stays in the house.

37:00 - Bye JoJo

39:00 - I've never understood the need to watch the photos turn gray.  If I was in the house I wouldn't care at all.

51:00 - Shane wins HOH... oh, that's how he's going to make things right with Danielle.

56:00 - It's up to the viewers if the coaches become players or not?  Please everyone vote No!!

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