Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Review The Previews 7/25

F- I will never see this movie under any circumstances
D- I will never pay theater price to see this movie but may watch it on Netflix
C- I might pay to see this if nothing else is playing, if not I'll catch it on DVD
B- I am not excited, but I'll probably try to catch it in the theater
A- I'm all in

For Good Time Call - C- (8/31/12)
     This trailer hooked me with the presence of Justin Long.  It doesn't look like he has much of a presence but I've been a huge fan of his going back to the television show Ed.  The movie looks like it could be cute and, although the trailer doesn't have any real laughs, could have some pretty funny moments.  Nothing excites me about it but it could be a good little film.

Flight - C (11/02/12)
     At face value this movie doesn't do much for me, but the trailer presents a movie that looks more compelling then I would think.  You can never go wrong with Denzel Washington.  It's obviously going to be an emotional ride type of movie that pulls at the heart strings.  Not the type of movie I run out to see, but will probably have some great moments

Total Recall - B- (8/04/12)
     I never saw the original (I know, blasphemous) so I have no preconceived notions about it.  I didn't get giddy or pissed off about the trailer because of my feelings about the original.  I did get a little giddy to find out Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel are in the movie.  Kate Beckinsale is enough to get me into a movie by herself.  The plot seems really interesting.  Chances are I see this opening week.

Silver Linings Playbook - B (11/21/12)
     Great director, great cast, interesting subjects.  I'm sold.  This movie looks like it could be pretty fantastic even if it does have a horrible name.

Dredd 3D - A (9/21/12)
     Judge Dredd finally done right.  Or at least that's what it looks like in this trailer.  I won't be seeing it in 3D because I refuse to pay more for an experience that is never worth it, but I'm still excited about what this movie could be.

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