Monday, August 23, 2010

You Big Dummy!

     The Diamond Power Of Veto left this week pretty undramatic once Ragan won the POV.  It was obvious that Matt would then go up on the block, he would use the DPOV and Kathy would go up and get voted out.  The most interesting thing that happened was Matt finding out that the Brigade was going to vote him out.  There was no way for them to know that Matt was about to change things up, so its hard to fault them in their actions.  Matt was seemingly the least invested member of the group.  As much as he helped them by winning competitions, he also seemed to be the most likely to jump ship, a doubt that was a direct cause of all his over thinking of the game.  With the evicted person going to the jury, it was also essential that they let Matt know he was going, otherwise it looks like you back stabbed him and possible lose his vote.  Going forward Enzo and the boys will have to do their best to kiss butt and cover their actions, but there's a good chance Matt is out of the loop from here on out.
     Where does this leave the Brigade?  It looks like Ragan is super close to Matt and Brittney is super close to Lane.  Is this a new foursome?  I'm pretty sure that Lane is just covering his bases and not putting all his eggs in one basket, but Matt is a different story.  With the Brigade turning their backs on him it looks like it could be an easy move for him to pair up with Ragan and Brittney and take down the guys.  With Brittney winning HOH, once again, she has to nominate with her head and not her heart.  She has to put up two Brigade members.  With Matt falling out of the mix and Land kind of on her side, she puts up Enzo and Hayden and gains control of the house.
     My favorite moment of the season, so far, is by far last weeks Pandora's Box.  It was priceless to see both Brendon and Rachel run around two different houses yelling each others name in giddy anticipation only to find out that they aren't there it made me so happy!
     My rankings of the remaining players chances of winning, with number one being the most likely are...


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