Wednesday, August 18, 2010

All I Wanted Was To Be Happy And In Love

     I seriously refuse to believe anyone is that much in love with a person they met a month ago.  The real shocker of a quote was "All I can think about is what a huge part of my life Rachel is."  What?!?  You've only known her for a month trapped inside a house together with 11 other strangers.  How can she be any part of your life?  Did your life start the second you stepped into the house?  What a schmuck!
     That being said, that schmuck actually won a competition that he needed to win and was fairly smart in who he put up for nominations.  The best choice would have been to make the deal with Ragan, wither he played on keeping it longer then this week or not, and put up two members of the Brigade.  I still refuse to believe that nobody sees that these guys have something going on or at least the Enzo, Hayden and Lane do.  The deal would have given him a small bit of protection next week.  Still, with these nominations the vote should be split and he may be in OK shape.  Of course he doesn't know that Matt has the Diamond Power of Veto, so it really didn't matter who he put up.
     Like I said last week, Enzo has shown to be the best player in the house.  His move to make a deal before the eviction was genius.  To bad Brandon didn't keep it.  Ragan's deal was a great move as well.  One, like I said earlier, I would have taken.

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