Friday, August 27, 2010

Big Brother: Double Elimination

     The longer this season goes, the less there seems to be to comment on.  The Brigade has complete control over the house thanks largely to Brittney who didn't have (and still doesn't seem to realize the trouble she's in) the foresight to make a move against the boys.  Usually the double elimination episodes have a little excitement that goes along with them.  Everyone is put on the spot, will they mess up their nominations without time to think about it or cut deals?  I knew everything that was going to happen this time.  All the nominations were obvious, the pecking order has never been clearer on one of these shows.  The only hope there is for anyone other than a Brigade member to win is Ragan winning the HOH this week and even that is a long shot because he won't be able to compete the week after.  I say that is the only way because Brittney is so snow balled by Lane that her winning will only work in favor of the Brigade.  There seems that there is more going on then what CBS is showing, Hayden mentioned a deal with Brittney that wasn't broadcast, so why she has sided with the boys is unclear to me.  She had multiple opportunities to swing the power in her favor and didn't realize any of them.
     A quick note about the first POV... I never understand when they do one of these POV's each year why anyone not on the block or HOH would do anything for the prizes and not try at all for the penalties.  Brittney (who I have grown more and more annoyed by over the course of the season) throwing a fit because people took prizes is just silly.  She seems to have forgotten why everyone is there in the first place... to win stuff!  She had every chance to out click Brendon on each of the penalties and she didn't.  Why blame everyone else because you weren't quick enough?  By the way, I would have gladly clicked in for both the head shaving and the penguin suit to counter act my attempts at the money and the Hawaiian vacation.
      All I have to say about the eviction of Matt is, he overplayed.  He made everyone not trust him by constantly lying and scheming.  Oh well.  My rankings of the remaining players is...

     Hayden and Lane have jumped Enzo because they seem to have a closer relationship and will probably carry each other while Enzo seems to be the outsider of the three.  Brittney may last longer then Ragan, but I think her chances of winning it all are less.

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