Lane, Lane, Lane... What were you thinking? You've reached a point in the game where you need to start counting and maintaining jury votes. The last thing you wanted to do was win that HOH. All these guys to is sit around all day, you'd think they'd spend some of their time thinking over scenarios before they get to the competitions. No matter what happened in that HOH Lane should have realized that he was safe. If he threw the competition and let Ragan win, Ragan would have put either Enzo and Lane or Enzo and Hayden on the block. Either way, Brittney votes for Enzo and either Hayden would vote for Lane or Lane would vote for Enzo. Then the final four would be Lane, Hayden, Brittney and Ragan and most importantly, Lane gets to compete for the HOH. By winning this week, he doesn't get to compete next week. Why is this important? At the moment, if Ragan goes home (which is the plan), he will be on the block or the one deciding who goes home next week (one of the three wins HOH, puts up two others, leaving one person to decide), which will piss off one of his potential votes. If he had a chance to play for HOH next week and won it would be someone else sending his allies home. That scenario would leave him potentially with Rachel, Brendon, Enzo, Brittney in the jury, all of who would most likely vote for him against Hayden. That's all he needs to win!
But lets deal with what actually happened. He's upset about having to put either Brittney or Enzo on the block. Once again, take a second and think about the scenario. He should have sat Enzo down and explained to keep Brittney's vote in the jury he wanted to keep her off the block and even though pawns have a tendency to go home, there is no way Enzo goes home. If the nominations stay the same, worse case scenario, Brittney votes for Enzo and Hayden votes for Ragan and Lane gets to break the tie. The real problem at this point is next week. I'm pretty sure he doesn't get to compete in HOH, which means he's either on the block or he's going to piss off Brittney or Enzo.
Once again I have to knock Brittney. She is playing totally blind and even if she happens to somehow win this thing it will be by dumb luck. She says that she feels totally safe in the house even though she is obviously fourth on the chopping block, she's one Ragan POV away from going home. That being said, losing this weeks HOH was a good move. Chances are she is safe this week and just like Lane, next weeks HOH is the important one.
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