Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Top 5: Most Annoying Actresses

          I was scrambling to come up with a Top 5 for this week when I thought about the new movie Mud and what I wrote about the trailer and how much I hate Reese Witherspoon and then it dawned on me.  How about Top 5 Most Annoying Actresses?  There are certain actresses whose simple presence in a movie makes me not want to see it.  They make great movies mediocre and mediocre movies unbearable.  It may not always be clear why, sometimes they are more then competent at their craft, but there's just something that rubs you the wrong way about them.  This is going to be a totally different list for everybody.  Here's mine...

5) Ann Hathaway
          My dislike for Hathaway has more to do with me not understanding what everyone in the world finds attractive or interesting about her than it does any problems I have with her acting or movie choices.  She's a pretty amazing actress from what I've seen.  I thought she was fantastic in The Dark Knight Rises.  What I don't get on any level is that any guy I've ever heard talk about her acts like shes the most amazing looking women to have ever walked the planet.  Hollywood is ready to anoint her this generations Audrey Hepburn, but I'm sorry, Hathaway doesn't hold a candle to Audrey Hepburn's shadow.  This pisses me off and makes me not even want to see a Hathaway movie.  She's not good looking!  Its okay to admit.  Stop drinking the Kool Aid, America, so I can enjoy her skills in front of a camera without thinking how wrong the rest of the world is.

4) Katherien Heigl
          Why does anyone give this girl any attention at all?  She was on Grey's Anatomy.  Big deal.  Did anyone actual like her on that show?  I thought the character was annoying as hell.  I feel like the media keeps trying to sell her as this huge movie star, as the next big leading actress, but what has she ever been in that was worth the film it was shot on?  Knocked Up?  A funny movie at times, but no thanks to her.  27 Dresses?  Nobody saw that movie... right?  Please tell me no one saw that movie.  If she fell off the face of the planet tonight, I wouldn't even notice.  I wish the entertainment media could say the same thing.

3) Reese Witherspoon
          I realize a good portion of this list, if not everyone on it, has been considered "America's Sweetheart."  Witherspoon certainly falls into that category.  But she annoys the piss out of me.  I get she has an all American look, but I don't find her attractive at all.  And her choice in movie rolls is down right appalling.  Everybody talks about how good an actress she is, but how would you know with all the crap she signs up for?  Okay, Election was great and Mud looks good, but what else?  And don't tell me she's got an Oscar so she must be good.  Derek Jeter has multiple Gold Gloves but we all know he's an average defensive player at best.  Awards mean nothing except a bunch of people like you; they don't say anything about your abilities.

2) Drew Barrymore
          Oh my God!  This women is not funny!  Everyone is so in love with Drew Barrymore that they ignore this fact.  I know she thinks she's funny, but I find her just plain grating.  And yet again, not good looking!  I get it on some level I guess.  Guys in my generation fell in love with her in ET and Firestarter, and then that crush got strengthened when she became a teenage wild child, but, honestly, is there a more annoying person in Hollywood?  I'd like to say that Wedding Singer and Fever Pitch were enjoyable movies, but I can't buy into the premise that any man would fall that hopelessly in love with her.  When I'm negatively judging most women in the movies or TV I use the caveat, "of course if they worked at my job I'd be more then happy dating them, but..."  With Barrymore, there's no need.  If she walked up to me tomorrow and professed undying love to me, I'd walk away.

1) Julia Roberts
          In all honesty, I have no idea where my hatred of Roberts springs from, but it's been intense for years.  A good part of it is similar to Hathaway; I just don't understand what the rest of America finds so appealing and that makes me dislike her.  She's just so whatever.  She's not really good looking.  She has no real personality.  She's never done anything on screen that's impressed me.  She's just there.  Yet, like Witherspoon, she has an Oscar and the rest of the world thinks she's the most fantastic thing on two legs.  Of course I will never forgive her for her role in Ocean's 12, one of only two movies I wanted to demand my money back after seeing, but my hatred for her was already very deep at that point.  Let's be honest, everything she's ever been in is sentimental crap (other then Ocean's 11, but she was really just scenery in that).  You might find some of it funny or cute, but can you really argue any of it is good?  She's a mediocre actress who cranks out the same slop, yet somehow has built a reputation as being one of the best actresses in Hollywood.  I'll never understand.

Honorable Mentions: Sarah Jessica Parker; Kate Hudson

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