Things are getting busy, so it's getting harder and harder for me to post. I had to skip an eviction journal, but really there wasn't much to say. There were a couple of surprise nominations, but things still went pretty much as one would have expected. The big question now is will Dan's constant over thinking of the game bite him in the ass? I don't know why he keeps making things more complicated then they are. He had the perfect opportunity to get rid of Shane and didn't. He keeps talking about backstabbing people, but he's doing a horrible job of it.
My other question is, has there ever been a Pandora's Box that has been turned down? If I was Ian I would have passed a message from a loved one up. He has what, three weeks left? Wait it out! Instead we all get stuck with another Rachel siting. Isn't her 15 seconds up yet? God forbid Big Brother go a season without showing that waste of life. I'd rather see the Kardashians get another reality show then have to watch two more minutes of Rachel anywhere.
Here's this week's rankings...
5) Jenn - I hate to say it because I really want Shane to go home this week, but it looks like Jenn is done. She hasn't really won anything all season, so chances of her winning POV are slim and I don't think Dan is going to get Danielle to vote out Shane.
4) Shane - I don't think I've given Shane enough credit this year for how dumb he is. Seriously, the more he talks the more you realize how stupid this guy is. That being said, there is always the chance he pulls off a competition streak and makes it to the end.
3) Danielle - I'd put her a lot lower, but Dan has been protecting her all season long and chances are he's going to protect her right into the finals. She doesn't deserve it and we can only hope others will show that in their votes, but I have a strong fear she walks away with this.
2) Ian - He's played a really strong game and seems to be turning on the competition switch just at the right time. I don't think Dan wants to go up against him in the finals, so Ian is going to have to find a way to bump off Dan if he wants to win.
1) Dan - he's pretty much been running the whole season and is looking good for the finals since he seems to have a deal with everyone (at least as far as they know). I would be really surprised if he doesn't walk away with his second victory.
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