Monday, September 3, 2012

Big Brother 14 - Ian In Power

     I feel like a skipping record pointing out where this year's cast is missing the ball with their strategy.  How could we be in week 8 and the Quack Pack still hasn't figured out the best way to get Frank out is through the backdoor?  Why would you want to let Frank play in a POV?  This is the last week before everyone gets to play in the POV competitions, so don't put him on the block and take the chance that he doesn't get to play and then send him home.  If he happens to play, the results would be no different then if he had been on the block.  You need to make sure Frank goes home this week or he holds his own destiny in his hands for the rest of the game.
     That being said, Ian seems to have gained control of the house.  I'm not sure if his personality is quite strong enough, but he's in position to run things for the rest of the game.  If he gets Frank out, his only real competition is Dan.
     Here's this weeks rankings...

7) Joe - I still don't see how he could last much longer.  It's only a matter of time before he gets sent home.

6) Jenn - It kills me to rank her so low because I think she's played a very solid game, but she just doesn't have the numbers in her favor.  She'll probably only last two more weeks at most unless she finds a way to start winning competitions.

5)  Frank - This ranking kills me even more, but it's not looking good.  If he can get off the block this week, he can't play in next weeks HOH, which means he'll be on the block again and have to win another POV.  Eventually being on the block every week is going to bite him in the ass.

4)  Danielle - She's probably the worse player left, but she has a solid alliance so she's going to last longer then she should.  It also helps that she has Shane and Dan defending her at every turn.  She just might be carried into the finals by one of them and at that point anything can happen.

3)  Shane - He's a physical force but he plays the dumbest social game around.  But like Danielle, he lucked into a solid alliance that will take him further in the game then he should be.

2)  Dan - It looked like he was gone last week, but just like I said, he used the Ian info to save his ass.  Now he's back in control of things and has two alliances protecting him.  I'm not sure how the jury will vote on him, but he put himself in good position to win the whole thing yet again.

1)  Ian - It looks like he's pulling all the strings at the moment.  Granted, Dan is letting him pull those strings, but Ian has put himself in a great position and is my favorite to win at the moment.

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