Thursday, September 20, 2012

Big Brother 14: The Last Post

     In any other season I would have no problem with Ian winning the big prize.  He played a solid game, made some big moves when needed, he helped form the season's best alliance, he won the challenges he needed to win to stay in the game.  But it was like Ted Williams hitting .400 the year DiMaggio went on his hitting streak or Pulp Fiction coming out the same year as Forrest Gump because Dan played the one of the greatest games in Big Brother history, second only to Dr. Will in season two, a performance that defined how the game would be played.  Dan should have won, hands down, no questions asked.  It was masterful to watch him work and that should have been rewarded.  Of course there was one fact that I think played a major factor in how the final votes were cast that wasn't mentioned in any of the final CBS broadcasts, Dan has won before.  I'm pretty sure the only reason so many gave their final vote to Ian was because he played an admirable game and Dan has already won, so why not give the big prize to the awkward super fan.  It's the only thought that makes me rationalize Jenn and Britney's votes.  It was obvious that Joe, Frank and Shane were going to vote Ian because, as Wil put it, they couldn't admit that they were just as much at fault for believing Dan then Dan lying to them.  And who the hell ever knows what Ashley is going to do.  I had the votes at 4-4 with Ashley making the deciding vote.  But I was way off.  The big question is, when all is said and done, what will be remembered about this season?  That Ian won?  Or that Dan pulled off one of the greatest performances in BB history?  Does anyone remember who won Evil Dick's season?  It wasn't Dick...

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