Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How I Met Your Mother: Disaster Averted

     I'm starting to get so confused with the HIMYM timeline, it feels like I'm watching Lost and not my favorite sitcom.  It used to be pretty easy to follow.  Bob Saget was speaking from the future, all the events occurred in our timeline, every once and a while the group would flash back to the past.  But after "Disaster Averted", I have no idea where in time the story is at.  The writers have us conditioned to believe that the group sitting around telling the story of the hurricane would be happening today, or close to today, but two things that happened last season/before June (Lilly getting pregnant and Barney meeting Nora), were said to happen during the hurricane which was a little over two months ago.  It doesn't make any sense!  I feel like the writers are really starting to play fast and loose with the timeline and if that happens the whole show unravels.  Also, with dealing with an event that just happened, you risk in being out of date by the time the show airs.  I'm almost positive Robin would have brought up the October blizzard when telling a story about the wimpy hurricane.
     I was all ready to count this episode as a win, but then I got to the end of the episode and everything fell apart.  It started off great with the Indiana Jones sequence that turned into a Duck Tie joke.  I knew the Duck Tie could be the joke that kept on giving, something that has been missing from HIMYM the last few seasons.  But, just as it was starting to pay off, they took it away and replaced it with a recurring joke that has lost it's steam.  The Slap Bet has been played out.  It was great and part of me was excited to see that last slap, but it's moment is over.  I can't believe they sacrificed the Duck Tie for an old joke.  And speaking of rehashed jokes, I'm really getting tired of the Ted tells long story jokes.  I get it, the show is aware of itself, it was funny the first time but the 100th time is just too much.
     As if the time line and killing the Duck Tie weren't enough, the writer's further ruined the episode with a forced Robin/Barney kiss out of nowhere.  I understand that they've been setting this up for a couple seasons now, but it still seemed forced in the moment and rushed.  We spent a whole episode focused on the Slap Bet, Marshal's fears and Ted's boy scoutness and then all of a sudden they throw in a Robin/Barney kiss at the end.  This much awaited reunion deserved more set up then it was given.  If I'm going to take anything positive out of the kiss, it's that it hopefully brings an end to Kal Penn! (I think he has three episodes left.  That's three to many)
     With all the problems at the end there were a few funny moments in between.  As stupid as the "Marshal scared of not being insured" story was, the dreams of him getting mauled by a bear were great.  I think it was the obviously fake bear suit that really sold the joke.  I also liked Ted's therapised line, even though Penn's break down of what Barney was trying to do had little to do with therapy or psychology.
     The season record is 3-5-1.

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