Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Top 5: Break Up Songs

     A friend told me when you write what you know it sounds more natural, so today's Top 5 is going to be Top 5 Breakup Songs.  Limiting this topic to 5 picks was quite a challenge.  I probably could have done a top 10 and still struggles picking.  There were a couple of songs that it killed me to keep off because I really wanted to write about them, like "The Old Apartment" by The Barenaked Ladies.  Technically it's not a breakup song, the band claims the apartment isn't owned by the old girlfriend and the couple are still together, but I refuse to accept this.  It works so well and is so poignant as a breakup song that I will never think of it as anything else and you'll see that it made my honorable mentions.  Or "Everything About You" by Ugly Kid Joe, which again, isn't technically a breakup song, it never mentions anything about breaking up, but if you just had a terrible breakup this song is amazing.
     What I found compiling this list was if I really wanted to make my choices easier narrowing the list topic would have been the way to go over expanding the size.  Each of my choices tells a completely different breakup story.  I could have done Top 5 Happy Breakup Songs or Top 5 Sad Breakup Songs or Top 5 First Breakup Songs and I probably could have fit everything in eventually.  But I enjoyed the challenge, so here's just Top 5 Breakup Songs (and be proud of me, no ska until we get to the honorable mentions!)...

5)  Feelin' Stronger Every Day - Chicago
          This may be the weirdest breakup song ever written.  In all honesty, I'm not even sure it's about a breakup, it could be about a significant other who's passed away, but I've always assumed it's talking about the world's best breakup ever.  It's so positive and upbeat that you would never even think breakup without paying close attention to what is being sung.  I find it comforting to think that a breakup can go so smoothly, with both parties taking positive attitudes with them.  That's not even mentioning how fantastic a song it is.  One of my all time favorite Chicago tunes and that is saying a lot.

4)  By The Bed - Phantom Planet
          This one falls under the sad category.  It's not all that impressive musically, it take the less is more approach to support the beautifully crafted lyrics.  The song does a wonderful job describing the moment when one party realizes, much to their chagrin, that there is nothing they can do to mend whatever rift has popped up between the couple.  It's that helpless moment when you realize the relationship is over and you have absolutely no say in it.  Phantom Planet are far from the best band ever, but they have a knack for writing really good relationship songs and this is of their best, certainly the most poetic.

3)  How's It Going To Be - Third Eye Blind
          This song asks one of the scariest questions involved with any breakup.  Unfortunately, it doesn't provide any answers, but it does a great job of capturing that feeling of what next.  What are things going to be like without that person no longer in your life.  It's the feeling that has prevented many a relationship in tatters from ending in the first place.  Unlike the song's I've mentioned so far, and probably unlike almost every breakup song written, this one take the perspective of the person who wants out of the relationship.  Is he wondering what it's going to be like for him?  Or is he wondering how she is going to handle things?  It's not totally clear, but either way it a powerful depiction of the state breaking up leaves you in.

2)  Summer Highland Falls - Billy Joel
          This one is the perfect first break up song.  Joel does an amazing job of tapping into those days when you were struggling to find your own identity, forget about a relationship.  While the other songs detail very adult relationships, this song talks about a relationship of youth and reaching that moment when you realize that you have started to grow into two different people.  It's a totally different break up, one that has a stronger sense of inevitability but no less pain and confusion.  Joel diagrams the situation to a tee and distills the whole thing down to the two emotions that go with every break up, sadness and euphoria.  It's Billy Joel, so it goes without saying that it a great song.

1)  Wrong Bed - The Littlest Man Band
          Yes, none of you have heard this song.  Yes, none of you have heard of this band.  No, this isn't some random obscure pick chosen in some lame attempt to up my hipster cred.  The music by itself is enough to make one weep.  Add in some of the saddest, most profound lyrics ever written and you have the greatest break up song ever written.  You can feel the pain in lead singer Scott Klopfenstein's voice as he tries to deal with coming to grips with a relationship that just wasn't working.  Is it number one because I can relate?  Probably, but I can relate to everything on this list except for Chicago (I wish with all my heart I could relate to that song, but alas).  There's just something about the way the bare bones music and the poetic, sorrow filled lyrics combine to drive right to the emotional center of any break up that makes the song just so fantastic.  Go to Youtube and check it out.  You won't be unaffected.

Honorable Mentions: Anything By Reel Big Fish; "Thanks That Was Fun"-Barenaked Ladies; "The Old Apartment"-Barenaked Ladies; "Everything About You"-Ugly Kid Joe; "Scott Farcus Takes One On The Chin"-Less Than Jake; "Some Time Around Midnight"-The Airborne Toxic Event; "Don't Speak"-No Doubt; "Someone Like You"-Adele

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