Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Reviewing The Previews: 7/24

This is the rating system…

F- I will never see this movie under any circumstances
D- I will never pay theater price to see this movie but may watch it on Netflix
C- I might pay to see this if nothing else is playing, if not I'll catch it on DVD
B- I am not excited, but I'll probably try to catch it in the theater
A- I'm all in

The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug – F+  12/13/13
            In keeping with my boycott of anything with Peter Jackson’s name on it after his desecration of the Lord of The Rings books, I will not drop a red cent on this movie.  I’m not even sure how he’s taking a book that’s a quarter of the length of The Lord of The Rings and turning it into three movies.  I’m guessing by changing characterizations, screwing up themes and adding his own ideas to the story because he obviously knows better then Tolkien how to tell Tolkien’s stories.

Closed Circuit – C  8/28/13
            This looks like a pretty hum drum thriller.  Nothing new or spectacular here, just the same old clichés we’ve come to expect from espionage thrillers.  It is from the producers of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, which gives it some credibility, but the story doesn’t do much for me and the cast is nothing to write home about.  I’ll have no problem waiting to see this one.

The Wolverine – B  7/26/13
            I may the only person on the planet, but I enjoyed X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  It wasn’t the greatest movie ever made but I felt it held up to the first two X-Men movies and was certainly ten times better than X-Men 3.  Add that to the fact that I’m kind of a comic nerd, and chances are I’m going to see this one opening week.  Everyone seems to think this is the Wolverine movie people have been wanting to see for years.  I’m not a Wolverine fanatic, so it doesn’t take much to please me, or offend me, with story lines.So chances are I’ll be entertained again.

Ender’s Game – A+  11/1/13
            I’m sorry gay community, as much as I support your right to get married I haven’t been more excited about a movie since The Dark Knight Rises.  This story has nothing to do with Orson Scott Card’s politics and is easily one of the greatest sci-fi stories ever written.  History tells me I can only be disappointed and offended by an adapted film that I am this excited about, but I can’t wait none the less!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Top 5: Top 5 Modern Romantic Movies

     Usually I try to match these Top 5 lists to something that is going on or the head space I'm in.  Don't think for a minute that is the case this week.  Romance is that last thing on my mind and the thought of these movies makes me a little sick at the moment.  But I needed a Top 5, so I reached into my files and pulled this one out.  It was originally based on Entertainment Weekly's list of the top Modern Romance Movies (they defined modern as anything released in the last 25 years).  I decided to do my version of that list.  Here it is.  By the way, when I wrote the original I included a side note that I still stand by.  It said... I don't believe in the importance placed on "true love" in any of these movies except maybe #1.  I feel there is to much emphasis on this notion in today's society which causes people to rush into foolish relationships.  None the less, I do enjoy the emotions that they stir up...

5) Braveheart
          Sure, it's a great war movie about a people's fight for freedom and has some classicly gory battle scenes, but let's not forget what pushes the plot along, Wallace's love for his murdered wife.  Take away the amazing landscapes and the ispirational speeches and the funny Irishman, and you have a wonderfully romantic movie.  This story is all about the lengths a man will go to for love or to avenge that lost love.

4) Return To Me
          I don't know that most people know or remember this movie but it really got to me.  It starred Minnie Driver and David Duchovny.  Duchovny's wife dies and is an organ donor who's heart goes to Driver.  The two meet and fall in love, Duchovny unaware that Driver has his wife's heart.  Interesting twist to the classic love story.  Very well done.  It paints a great picture of relationships between men and women, whither it's Driver and Duchovny or Driver's best friend and her husband or the old people in the bar.  The movie also has one of the saddest scenes I've ever seen.  After the wife dies, the couples dog refuses to leave the front door because he is waiting his dead master to come home.  Heart breaking!

3)  When Harry Met Sally
          I've lived my life by this movie's theory.  As Billy Crystal says early in the film, men and women can't be friends, eventually sex gets in the way.  Of course there are many corollaries to the theory, but I think it stands up.  Just a great movie about two people who can't deny the inevitable.  I think we all hope to have someone like this in our lives at some point.  Where there's chemistry there, there's chemistry there.  Why fight it?

2)  The Princess Bride
          At this point, this movie falls one year short of fitting into the 25 year limit, but I don't care, I'm keeping it in anyway.  I don't feel I have to do much explaining on this one.  If you don't think this is one of the greatest movies ever made, I don't have much to say to you.  Funny, exciting, tender, this movie has it all.  A wonderful story about true love, set in the perfect place for it (a fictional world, because true love like this isn't real).

1) Say Anything
          A John Cusack classic, written and directed by the master of modern romance, Cameron Crowe.  A great story about the imperfections of love and intentions.  It raises great questions about what is worth fighting for and what is not and showcases the dangers of putting loved ones on a pedestal.  Plus, what girl never dreamed of having a Lloyd Dobler pining after them?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Girl Problems: 13 Year Old Boy

          After a while all these stores start to sound the same.  They almost all come down to the same issue, that I have the dating skills of a 13-year old.  Call it a lack of confidence, a fear of rejection, a need to never appear vulnerable, but it still all boils down to a lack of skill when dealing with the opposite sex.  As much as I tend to paint myself as the type of guy the ladies just aren’t that into, someone they find ugly and uninteresting, that really isn’t the case.  I’ve never had a hard time finding girls who were attracted to me or at the very least really enjoyed my company.  The real issue has been finding girls I’M attracted to, who are single, and who return my feelings, and when I find them actually sealing the deal.  A guy my age should be able to meet a girl he likes and not have any problem expressing those feelings.  I, on the other hand, revert to a 13-year old whenever I’m in the presence of a girl I like, becoming silent and awkward, spiraling into a vortex of self-doubt and self-hatred.  It makes getting a girlfriend pretty difficult.  Every once and a while, I somehow rise above that behavior though, and something nice comes of it.
            I entered my senior year of college hopelessly single.  I had spent the last three years pining over my relationship with Sara, a relationship that had long been over, and doing whatever I could to prevent any new ones from springing up.  The cliché goes something to the effect that loves happens when you least expect it.  I guess that’s what happened to me.  I showed up to work one day (I worked backstage of the school theater) and was introduced to a new female co-worker wearing a large hoody that hid a boyish frame, we’ll call her Michelle.  There was nothing strikingly attractive about her or anything that really stood out, so she kind of melted into the background as I went about the tasks I needed too complete.  Then one day, during a slow point in a show call we were both working, she made some comment and I fell almost instantly in love; she came charging out of the shadows and I saw the beauty that had been in front of me for weeks.  It’s a little sad to say, but I can’t remember for the life of me what it was she said anymore and I know that hurts the story, but I it was something depressing and existential and I knew from the moment she uttered it that this was someone who got it, who would get me.
            So, I started to talk to her more at work, tried to match up my tasks with hers so we could spend more time together, and continued to find more and more we had in common.  We both worshipped professional wrestling (yes, there was a time when my career aspirations were to write for the WWE), we enjoyed the same styles of music (punk, alternative rock, 80’s hair metal, anything with super depressing lyrics), we watched the same stupid television shows (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, South Park, Monday Night Raw), we loved the whole experience of seeing movies in the theater (literally any movie), we drank like fish (she told tales of finishing a 5th of Whiskey herself, I was impressed).  And she had a dark side, a side that was deeply pessimistic and searched for meaning in everything.  It ended up being too dark a side, but it was certainly the side that I feel head over heels for.  But there was one major problem, a theme that has reared its head more times then I would like in my love life, Michelle had a boyfriend, a boyfriend that she hated and never had anything nice to say about, but a boyfriend none the less.  So, we became really good friends, and she would come over my place and watch wrestling pay-per-views, and we would go out to dinner and movies, and go to concerts together, and I would tell her about Sara and she would talk about the jerk she was dating and nothing would happen.
            I remember quite clearly the day that everything changed.  I showed up at her dorm room, picking her up for a night in Santa Monica, dinner and a movie (I think it was Office Space, but might have been Shakespeare In Love) and she announced to me that she had finally called things off with her boyfriend, she was finally single.  I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to react.  I mean, inside I was doing back flips, it was the greatest news I had ever heard, but as is always the case with me, there was still that little bit of doubt that this news really changed nothing.  We had been friends for months, really close friends, did she want anything more now that she was free from the asshole or was our relationship already deeply entrenched in the friend realm?  I spent the next month debating this question endlessly to the point of complete debilitation.  I read into every phrase she uttered and every move she made and couldn’t get myself to do anything about it.  All of sudden, all the things that I took as old hat when I thought of her as a friend weighed down on me so heavily I began to spiral into depression and self doubt.
            The pinnacle of the ridiculousness the relationship ascended to came during our spring break.  Some how we got the idea that we needed to go camping in Northern California even though neither one of us owned a tent or any equipment that such a trip would require.  The two of us, alone, pretending to be just friends, drove five hours up the California coast, stopping at a Wal-Mart for the tent, and spent three days camping in a couple of locations, visited her brother in Sacramento, and spent a night with her parents before heading back to school still just friends.  I look back on that trip as a full grown adult and have no idea what I was thinking.  We spent two nights alone in a tent, sleeping so close I didn’t even need to reach out to touch her, with her complaining about being so cold she had to put on four layers of cloths, and nothing happened.  Who goes on that trip and doesn’t expect something to happen?  A 13-year old boy, that’s who.
            Everything came to a head the day after St. Patrick’s Day.  Sara was coming out to visit the following week, a trip that had been planned for quite a while but had it’s ante upped less then a month earlier when she suddenly became single.  Much like the idea of “The Rub” from Swingers, the minute I gave up on her and found something new, what I had waited years to happen occurred.  I had reached a point where a decision about where Michelle and I were headed had to be made.  I had to know if  there was something between the two of us or not before I tried to go down a road already traveled.
On St. Patrick’s Day a bunch of us went out drinking to celebrate and Michelle was our driver.  At this point my closest friends had started to openly call me “Sackless Wonder” due to my inability to close the deal with her.  I got so shit faced off Long Island Ice Teas (that classic Irish beverage) that she had to pull over on the way home so I could empty my stomach.  We both had work the next day and while hung over like never before I somehow found the strength to trap myself into saying something to her.  While in the middle of a project, I told her to remind me that I had something to ask her at lunch.  It was the perfect plan.  There was no backing out because she was going to ask what I wanted and I was too hung over to come up with anything clever off the top of my head.  She thought I was going to ask her to pick up Sara at the airport, but instead I asked if she had ever thought of us being more than friends.  I know, super cheesy and super juvenile, but it worked and thus began one of the most intense relationships I’ve ever been in.
            It’s easy to make fun of how I handled things, of how long it took me to address what seems so obvious now, of how juvenile my whole handling of the situation was, but at the end of the day, does it make much difference?  Is the journey as important as the destination?  I can’t say the fact I struggled with how to turn a friendship into a relationship affected anything that happened after.  I had to go through a process to get where I needed to be and is that process really any better or worse then what most would expect to happen?  Have I lost out on a relationship or two because of my issues?  Sure, but at the same time, the relationships have been that much stronger and important to me because of what I put myself through to get there.  I don’t know that I could have ended up dating Michelle any other way.  And I don’t know that I want to end up dating any one else without going through the same struggles.  We all have our own ways of doing things.  I have mine.  My way has worked well enough for me so far.  I maybe single at the moment, but I’ve known love a few times over and that’s more then most can say.  It may not be pretty, I may revert back to adolescence every time I become enamored with a girl, but I guess it gets the job done.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Reviewing The Previews: 5/21

     Here's this week's previews.  And by the way...

F- I will never see this movie under any circumstances
D- I will never pay theater price to see this movie but may watch it on Netflix
C- I might pay to see this if nothing else is playing, if not I'll catch it on DVD
B- I am not excited, but I'll probably try to catch it in the theater
A- I'm all in

Despicable Me 2 - D  7/3/2013
      There's really nothing new in Hollywood and this is further proof.  I have nothing against this movie.  I never saw the first one.  It might be fantastic and this one might be even better, but I have no compelling desire to see the sequel of a movie I never had any strong desire to see in the first place.  It looks like it may have some funny parts, so if I ever get around to watching the first, I might catch this one on Netflix, but I'm not seeing this in the theater.

World War Z - C  6/21/2013

     When I was reading this book I couldn't help but think of what it would look like as a movie.  So I got really excited when I heard it was coming to the theater.  But after seeing this trailer, that feeling has cooled a great deal.  It doesn't match up to my vision at all and looks like nothing more then a big budget extravaganza.  The book could have easily been brought to the big screen on a shoe string budget, which makes me feel that the film makers missed what made the book so great.

The East - B  5/31/2013
     This movie looks really good, but I fear it may miss the point that should be made.  This could be a great commentary about the hypocritical nature of eco-terrorism, but something tells me it may just glorify it.  It has a great cast, anything with Ellen Page I'm in on, so I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and keeping my fingers crossed that it lives up to what the trailer suggests it could be.

Man Of Steel - A  6/14/2013
     When I do these reviews, I try to base things soley on the  preview and not whatever bias I may have.  I want so bad to give this preview an F because I hate Superman and the last movie was so horrible, I want this movie to suck too.  But I know that I'm going to be there within the first couple weeks because I'm such a comic nerd, so F wouldn't be fit my description of grades.  And, on top of that, this preview was great!  I'll admit it, I'm hooked, this might be a great movie.  I've been waiting all my life for a properly done Superman movie, maybe this is it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reviewing the Previews: 5/15

I missed a week and a day, but here's another batch of previews...

F- I will never see this movie under any circumstances
D- I will never pay theater price to see this movie but may watch it on Netflix
C- I might pay to see this if nothing else is playing, if not I'll catch it on DVD
B- I am not excited, but I'll probably try to catch it in the theater
A- I'm all in

Bling Ring - D  6/14/13
     A bunch of bratty spoiled Southern California kids getting together and stealing from even more repugnant "celebrities"... I couldn't be less interested in this movie unless it was directed by someone like Sophia Coppola... oh, wait, it is directed by Coppola.  I've never been more bored then when watching any of Coppola's movie.  She has an amazing knack for getting me to watch the DVD time instead of the tv screen.  I have very little hopes for this film.

Much Ado About Nothing - C  6/7/13
     I have never been a very big fan of these modern takes on Shakespeare, but this is Joss Whedon.  I don't remember disliking anything Whedon has done.  It's also very exciting to see that he has brought back a ton of his actor collaborators with him.  But at the end of the day, it's still a modern remake of a Shakespeare work, so I'm going to remain torn.

Thor 2: The Dark World - B  11/8/13
     I was really excited for this one.  Thor was easily my favorite of the Phase One Avenger movies.  It was the most ambitious and the most entertaining and even though I didn't think she was all that good, it was the only one with Natalie Portman.  But then I saw Iron Man 3 and I had to dial back my excitement a notch.  I know they are made by different people even though they both fall under the Marvel banner, but Iron Man was so bad it is going to leave a small stink on this one.

Stories We Tell - A  5/17/13
     I'm not sure if I'm going to like this film, but it looks so bold and thought provoking.  Maybe also a little self indulgent, but I'm willing to ignore that.  It looks to be a compelling story and you have to applaud Sara Polly's willingness to throw it up for everyone to judge.  I'm all about new and daring film making and this feels like it's both.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Girl Problems: The Early College Years

          One’s college years are supposed to be wild and crazy, filled with booze and sex.  But that wasn’t really my experience.  While I had the booze part down to a science, I struggled with the second half of that equation.  The first three and a half years of my college career were spent completely celibate.  It might save me some face to claim that it was by choice, that I was waiting for the right person to come along, but that would be a lie.  I would have loved to have had date after date with any willing participant.  It just wasn’t my reality. 
I’d like to say there were many factors that led to the lack of a love life.  I did go to an extremely Christian school that had single sex dorms and a curfew seven days a week.   It really puts a hamper on romance when you get kicked out of a girl’s room at 10:00 or face possible expulsion.  There also was an abnormal number of married undergrads.  The whole Christian thing led to people getting married young or at the very least being in very long term, very committed relationships.  It really cut down the dating pool.  And to top it all off, a decent portion of the girls who were available weren’t going to have sex unless they were married because of their faith.  At least, they weren’t going to have normal everyday sex.  I knew of a few girls who believed that sex, as talked about in the Bible, was just vaginal, so they could have all the anal penetration they wanted and not have to worry about eternal damnation.  While many guys I know would have jumped all over this, it doesn’t really appeal to me.
            While all this certainly played a role in my womanless existence, I really have no one or thing to blame but myself.  There were certainly girls that had romantic possibilities, I just couldn’t make it happen.  It’s hard to know how many girls I could have dated in college if I actually had the guts to ever push things.  Looking back the three and a half years I went without a girlfriend, there were certainly a bunch of girls that could have fit the bill.  There were even a couple that I could argue I actually was dating, it was just never framed that way and things never got physical.  I’m sure I created a new realm of psychosis where I hung out with the same girl almost every night for months, talked with her exhaust fully on the phone, even drove her to pick up her brother over an hour away and brought him back to campus, yet never breached the subject of what our relationship actually was.  What I’m trying to point out is that it wasn’t like I didn’t have options or opportunities; I was invited to formals, went to parties, had dinners and nights out, I just never closed the deal.
            What I needed was a girl who was forward enough to make her intentions clear or a friend who had inside information.  Of course I’ve always been my own worst enemy, so I did what I could to make these options even less possible.  Everything is so much clearer when you look back 15 years, but at the time I had a way of running my mouth on topics I should have kept quite on.  I’ll never forget one day when I went to lunch with three very attractive ladies who I was good friends with.  Somehow the topic of conversation got around to the idea of friends with benefits.  All three women fully supported the premise.  What I should have done was either agree or sit there quite, but what I actually did was jump up on my soap box and argued that a situation like that never worked out.  All these years later I still believe that friends with benefits is a no win proposition, eventually one of the two partners is going to want more of a relationship or one is going to find another partner and the other will be hurt, it’s inevitable, but I now realize that you don’t spout these thoughts around a group of hot women who are all about it.  I have no way to prove that this event had any effect on anything that happened or didn’t happen later, but hard to imagine that it didn’t.  I immediately put myself in the friend zone with all three girls and insured that they would never try anything with me because I didn’t believe in that type of thing.
            I would love to play the role of the martyr when it comes to my love life.  I would love to claim that I’ve done everything in my power to find and keep a healthy relationship, that I’ve made myself totally available to any and all female possibilities, and it’s the universe that is against me, but that would be distorting the facts.  Time and time again I’ve shot myself in the foot or not stepped up to the plate when it comes to relationships, and there’s no one to blame for that but me.  I’ve always loved the line in the song “Spidersong” by the band Say Anything, “I am cold, to cool to call you, far too stoned to leave my bed, I wrote this song to win you kiss but stayed asleep instead.”  It kind of sums things up for me and my love life.  I spent years complaining that I couldn’t find a girl, but when I look back now I see the effort was just never there.  When the opportunity arose, I went to bed.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Top 5: Annoying Actors

     Turn about is fair play.  Last week was the ladies, this week is going to be the guys.  Here are the Top 5 actors that annoy me the most...

5) Leonardo Dicaprio
          This is a hold over from his early work.  I really can't stand total slop movies like Romeo and Juliet and Titanic and those movie's stink is still all over Dicaprio.  Even though I love The Departed and have enjoyed a couple of his other flicks, I still cringe every time I see his name in the credits.  I get why people like him and I understand that he is solid in his craft, but he's just not my guy.

4) Richard Gere
          I get that the ladies love his suave dignified manner, but there just something about his smugness on the screen that drives me batty.  I really can't think of anything likable about his screen presence, unless you're a woman.  And in all honesty, what movie of any quality has he ever done?  An Officer and A Gentleman?  Like I said, if your not a woman why do you care?  Pretty Woman?  Everyone may like it, but is it really a good movie?  I give him Primal Fear, but let's be honest, that movie was amazing because of Edward Norton.  Put anyone else in Gere's role and it's still the same movie.  He has no talent other then looking smug on film and that annoys the piss out of me.

3) David Spade
          I used to like this guy.  I didn't like him a ton, but his "Hollywood Minute" segments on SNL were some of the funniest stuff put on TV.  But at this point in his career he's become beyond unbearable.  Some people think that Adam Sandler has become annoying, this guy started off more annoying and has fallen a lot further.  I can't think of one movie role that I actually enjoyed him in.  Even in PCU, a movie I love, every scene he was in was that much harder to watch.  This pick could have easily been Rob Schneider, another guy who had funny moments on SNL but has had a God awful movie career, but I did love Deuce Bigalow, so I went with Spade instead.

2) Paul Giamatti
          I feel like this pick has a lot to do with the characters he plays then my actual feelings about Giamatti himself.  He tends to play a lot of characters who are supposed to be annoying, so maybe him being so high on this list is a credit to how good he is at his craft.  Aside from Sideways, which I loved him in, I really can't stand any role he's played.  He plays those characters so well, at some point you have to wonder that he's just that annoying in real life. 

1) Billy Bob Thornton
          I don't get this guy at all.  I don't get why people think he's a good actor.  I don't get why he's considered such a big Hollywood player.  I don't get why Angelina Jolie would have ever been seen in public with him.  He's about as overrated a human being as there can be.  About the only role he excels at and is believable in is his white trash ones and my theory is, it takes one to know one.  I couldn't imagine an actor that makes me turn away from a movie quicker then Thornton.

Honorable Mentions: Robert Pattinson; Kevin James 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Girl Problems: A Fairy Tale Not Come True

            I’ve made out with Snow White.  Granted, she wasn’t in costume when the kissing occurred.  That would be too good a story to wait this long to tell.  No, she was dressed just like the rest of us, but I know she played Snow White at Disneyland and that’s all I need.  I also realize that it doesn’t really go along with the theme of these posts to brag, but can you blame me for taking the rare opportunity when it comes?  Don’t worry, this is as much a story about lost opportunities as all the rest, I just thought for once I would lead with a bright spot.  The fact of the matter is, fairy tale princess or not, I have a hard time understanding women.  I never seem to read the signs right, even when the signs are words spelling out exactly what I should do.  And as great as getting a kiss from a Disney icon may be, the confusion about what happens after is what leaves the mark. 
            In college, I was a member of a fraternity.  It wasn’t really something I was expecting; Greek life wasn’t something I felt was necessary to the college experience, it was just something that happened.  I’ve seen the movies and heard the stories, and I’ve never really felt that living through a series of humiliating, painful, and sometimes disgusting exercises is the way to form bonds with other guys.  I would much rather bond sitting around the dorm sharing a few beers and a ton of laughs.  That is what the fraternity I joined was all about.  I didn’t even know I was rushing.  A bunch of friends were asked to go bowling with a group of guys, we all went and before we knew it we were in a fraternity.  There was no nudity, spanking, forced drinking, or sheep involved; this fraternity was hazing free.  The first year I joined the guys all decided to head to Rosarito, Mexico, for a fraternity formal.  The thought was, if we held the formal in Mexico everyone would be able to drink since the legal drinking age is 18.  It was going to be two nights and three days of nothing but drunken debauchery.
            A few weeks prior to the trip a bunch of us got together to break a series of school rules.  I would like to say it was a weekend night, but who knows at this point.  I didn’t really have any problem partying on weeknights.  It’s probably one of the reasons it took me more then 15 years to get a Batchelor’s Degree.  The school we went to was supposed to be alcohol free, the dorms were single sex with curfews and it was illegal to climb through windows.  On this night, me and a couple of friends found ourselves playing cards and drinking seven and seven’s in a girl’s dorm with a few other girls.  Lucky for us it was a first floor room, because when we went to leave drunk after curfew we just exited through the window.  One of those girls was Snow White and there was sparks between us right from the get go.  I don’t say that because I felt the sparks, in all honesty I wasn’t all that attracted to her at first glance, she had to grow on me, I say that because she told me so.  Unlike the demure princess depicted in the movies, this Snow was easily the most forward girl I’ve ever had dealings with, and as I’ve made clear in previous stories, that’s exactly what I need.  She spent the night making it very clear that she was attracted to me and would like to get to know me better, and although I was a little intimidated by her brashness, who was I to turn away a girl.
            The problem with the whole scenario was that Snow was going to Rosarito with us.  This fact excited her, a chance to hang out with me, but it was less then perfect from my point of view.  For a girl to be going to Rosarito she would have to have been invited by someone in the fraternity and I hadn’t invited her.  It just so happened that another guy in the fraternity had the hots for Snow and asked her to go with him.  She didn’t have any romantic hopes and said yes as a friend.  There are many themes and common occurrences that will show up in these stories, one of them seems to be me moving in on girls who friends of mine have a thing for.  As much as I liked the thought of furthering things with Snow, seeing where she wanted to take things, figuring out if there was life after Sara, I wasn’t excited about starting my career in the fraternity stealing a brother’s date in Mexico.
            Of course with someone like Snow whatever concerns I may have aren’t going to get in the way of her accomplishing what she has set out for.  She felt it was very clear that she was going just as a friend and was free to do whatever she wanted with whomever she wished.  We all made our own way to Mexico, checked into the hotel, dropped our stuff in the room and ran to the bars.  The first bar was kind of a bust, so after a few drinks we moved on to what looked like a more popular bar with a line out front.  Snow and a few other friends were at the end of the line so we all waited together.  We instantly started talking and flirting pretty heavily.  She kept talking about what we should do tonight or tomorrow and I kept pointing out that she was there with Carl, not me.
            “Okay, fine.  When we get back to school you’re going to take me out to dinner,” was her reply.
            “And what makes you think that’s going to happen?”
            “Because I do.  I can tell.  You’re going to ask me to a nice dinner.”
            The rest of the night was kind of a blur.  There was lots of Tequila, Long Island Ice Teas, and beer.  Nothing happened, yet it was clear something was building between us.  When we got back to our room I laid the whole story out to the guy and girl I was rooming with and asked what I should do.  My roommate assured me that I was looking too deeply into things.  “That’s just how she is and she’s here with Carl.  She doesn’t want anything to happen with you.”  And yet another theme reared its head.
            The next night was the formal and when that was over we all ended up at a bar right next to the hotel.  We were once again drinking silly amounts of hard liquor and having a great time when Snow showed up obviously upset and more than willing to catch up with everyone else’s level of drunkenness.  She had gotten into an argument with Carl, who thought she wasn’t spending enough time with him and wasn’t as clear about the situation as Snow had thought.  The thing about alcohol is that it tends to ruin your judgment, so after more then a few Tequila shots I found myself on the dance floor dancing rather closely with Snow.  Those who know me now realize how drunk we all were because the phrase “found myself on the dance floor” is not ever used in my normal life.  When the song finished up Snow grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.  We sat on a short brick wall and were having what I’m sure was a silly drunk conversation when she suddenly got up ran to some near by bushes and emptied her stomach.
            Now, this is probably where the night should have ended, but it didn’t.  She came back over and made some comment about ruining her chance to kiss me.  I was so drunk that I took this as an invitation and leaned in for the kiss she was asking for.  I thought nothing of the fact she had just thrown up at the time.  I mean, I had spent 8 months of my life throwing up right before I made out with my girlfriend.  The big difference I guess was that I brushed my teeth thoroughly before kissing her, but again I was really drunk this time and there was a willing girl sitting right in front of me.  In all honesty, it sounds grosser then it really was.  I didn’t taste anything.  It was a very pleasant kiss and I was hoping for things to get heavier but instead I walked her back to her room and called it a night.
            When we got back to school I headed over to her room to check in on where we stood.  I wanted to clear up whether the kiss we shared was a drunken mistake or the start of something more.  I don’t really remember the details of what was said or how it played out but she said she wanted to take me to Disneyland before I left for the east coast (there was less than a month of school left) and when we both got up for me to leave, I pulled her in and kissed her properly, ie, no vomit or alcohol involved.
            That’s where the relationship ended.  You might have been expecting more.  So was I.  We met up at the café for a couple meals and stressed that we were going to go to Disneyland, but nothing more happened.  I called her room a week or two later because there was only one weekend left in the school year to set plans for our “date” and her roommate informed me that she had finished up early and had already headed home.  I was crushed and confused and adamant that if she wasn’t considerate enough to tell me herself that she was leaving that I didn’t want anything more to do with her.  Of course we ran into each other many times over the years, she was close friends with some of my good friends, but it was always weird and awkward.  One time, after we had all left college, a bunch of us got together to celebrate a friend’s birthday and she showed up with her boyfriend.  At one point in the night I started to tell a Rosarito story and she flipped out trying to signal me to stop.  She thought I was going to talk about us making out.
            An interesting post scrip to this story that really only makes the whole thing that more confusing is that she sent me one of the sweetest e-mails I have ever received.  She told me that she took my address from a mutual friend and built up the courage to write me, that she didn’t know where I was or what I was up to but that she still remembered the kiss in her dorm, that it was one of her fondest college memories and that she would have to catch up with me from our friend.  Not being a total idiot, I replied and filled her in on what I was up to and saying we should get together.  She wrote back saying she was teaching in Pasadena (I think) and that things were going good and that yes we should hang out but she had a busy schedule.  She never mentioned a boyfriend or husband.  I never asked.  And after that I never heard from her again.
            I’m not sure what the moral of this story is other then fairytale Princesses are just as messed up as the rest of the girls I date.  I don’t know that I really learned anything from it other than girls don’t make sense.  They say one thing and then do something else and it confuses the hell out of me.  If you don’t want to go to Disneyland, don’t bring it up in the first place.  If you don’t want to meet up don’t send the e-mail wanting to catch up.  If you don’t want the relationship don’t keep leading the person on.  But that’s not much of a lesson.  As a guy that should all be a given.  I think I really just told the story so I could write the phrase, I’ve made out with Snow White.  Mission accomplished!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Reviewing The Previews 4/30/13

          A couple of these movies are in limited release, but not where I am yet and since I make the rules for these posts, they count.  And as always...

F- I will never see this movie under any circumstances
D- I will never pay theater price to see this movie but may watch it on Netflix
C- I might pay to see this if nothing else is playing, if not I'll catch it on DVD
B- I am not excited, but I'll probably try to catch it in the theater
A- I'm all in

Unfinished Song - F  6/21/13
          The central premise of this trailer seems to be that old people are inherently funny and bitter.  I'm sure there's some deep emotional reason why the main character is such a curmudgeon, but I couldn't care less.  There is nothing interesting about this movie.  Pitch Perfect for old British people isn't in my wheel house, so I'll pass.

Rush - C  9/20/13
          This one has me a bit stuck.  I don't really care for Formula One car racing, so the subject matter do little to nothing for me.  But, it's a Ron Howard flick, so how could it be bad?  I see where in a stylized movie the racing can be compelling and if anyone is going to pull the humanity and emotion out of it, it's Howard.  The cast doesn't do much for me, but again, Howard has a way of pulling great performances out of people in these character movies.  I'm sure this one is going to get early Oscar buzz, so chances are I see it, but I'm not quite sold yet.

Disconnect - A   Limited Release
          This one feels a little bit too much like Crash, a movie I wasn't that crazy about, but I am really intrigued by the premise that our lives are being taken over and our private lives are being forced into the public by technology.  Yes, there is a very good chance that this movie is extremely heavy handed and over dramatic, but I think I'm willing to take that chance.  The cast is great and I'm intrigued to see Henry Alex Rubin's first fictional movie.  I was on the fence about this one until I saw the trailer.  It did it's job because I'm all in now.

Trance - A+    Limited Release
         In all honesty, I was going to see this movie the minute Danny Boyle's name flashed across the screen.  Sometimes that's all it takes.  Add in James McAvoy, Vincent Cassel and Rosario Dawson and I am gong to do everything in my power to see this movie.  The premise sounds crazy and action packed, more Shallow Grave and 28 Days Later than Slumdog Millionaire or Millions.  I've never seen a bad Boyle film, but this genre from him certainly has me more excited then the other.  Can't wait!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Top 5: Most Annoying Actresses

          I was scrambling to come up with a Top 5 for this week when I thought about the new movie Mud and what I wrote about the trailer and how much I hate Reese Witherspoon and then it dawned on me.  How about Top 5 Most Annoying Actresses?  There are certain actresses whose simple presence in a movie makes me not want to see it.  They make great movies mediocre and mediocre movies unbearable.  It may not always be clear why, sometimes they are more then competent at their craft, but there's just something that rubs you the wrong way about them.  This is going to be a totally different list for everybody.  Here's mine...

5) Ann Hathaway
          My dislike for Hathaway has more to do with me not understanding what everyone in the world finds attractive or interesting about her than it does any problems I have with her acting or movie choices.  She's a pretty amazing actress from what I've seen.  I thought she was fantastic in The Dark Knight Rises.  What I don't get on any level is that any guy I've ever heard talk about her acts like shes the most amazing looking women to have ever walked the planet.  Hollywood is ready to anoint her this generations Audrey Hepburn, but I'm sorry, Hathaway doesn't hold a candle to Audrey Hepburn's shadow.  This pisses me off and makes me not even want to see a Hathaway movie.  She's not good looking!  Its okay to admit.  Stop drinking the Kool Aid, America, so I can enjoy her skills in front of a camera without thinking how wrong the rest of the world is.

4) Katherien Heigl
          Why does anyone give this girl any attention at all?  She was on Grey's Anatomy.  Big deal.  Did anyone actual like her on that show?  I thought the character was annoying as hell.  I feel like the media keeps trying to sell her as this huge movie star, as the next big leading actress, but what has she ever been in that was worth the film it was shot on?  Knocked Up?  A funny movie at times, but no thanks to her.  27 Dresses?  Nobody saw that movie... right?  Please tell me no one saw that movie.  If she fell off the face of the planet tonight, I wouldn't even notice.  I wish the entertainment media could say the same thing.

3) Reese Witherspoon
          I realize a good portion of this list, if not everyone on it, has been considered "America's Sweetheart."  Witherspoon certainly falls into that category.  But she annoys the piss out of me.  I get she has an all American look, but I don't find her attractive at all.  And her choice in movie rolls is down right appalling.  Everybody talks about how good an actress she is, but how would you know with all the crap she signs up for?  Okay, Election was great and Mud looks good, but what else?  And don't tell me she's got an Oscar so she must be good.  Derek Jeter has multiple Gold Gloves but we all know he's an average defensive player at best.  Awards mean nothing except a bunch of people like you; they don't say anything about your abilities.

2) Drew Barrymore
          Oh my God!  This women is not funny!  Everyone is so in love with Drew Barrymore that they ignore this fact.  I know she thinks she's funny, but I find her just plain grating.  And yet again, not good looking!  I get it on some level I guess.  Guys in my generation fell in love with her in ET and Firestarter, and then that crush got strengthened when she became a teenage wild child, but, honestly, is there a more annoying person in Hollywood?  I'd like to say that Wedding Singer and Fever Pitch were enjoyable movies, but I can't buy into the premise that any man would fall that hopelessly in love with her.  When I'm negatively judging most women in the movies or TV I use the caveat, "of course if they worked at my job I'd be more then happy dating them, but..."  With Barrymore, there's no need.  If she walked up to me tomorrow and professed undying love to me, I'd walk away.

1) Julia Roberts
          In all honesty, I have no idea where my hatred of Roberts springs from, but it's been intense for years.  A good part of it is similar to Hathaway; I just don't understand what the rest of America finds so appealing and that makes me dislike her.  She's just so whatever.  She's not really good looking.  She has no real personality.  She's never done anything on screen that's impressed me.  She's just there.  Yet, like Witherspoon, she has an Oscar and the rest of the world thinks she's the most fantastic thing on two legs.  Of course I will never forgive her for her role in Ocean's 12, one of only two movies I wanted to demand my money back after seeing, but my hatred for her was already very deep at that point.  Let's be honest, everything she's ever been in is sentimental crap (other then Ocean's 11, but she was really just scenery in that).  You might find some of it funny or cute, but can you really argue any of it is good?  She's a mediocre actress who cranks out the same slop, yet somehow has built a reputation as being one of the best actresses in Hollywood.  I'll never understand.

Honorable Mentions: Sarah Jessica Parker; Kate Hudson

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reviewing The Previews: 4/23/13

Here’s this week’s previews.  You should know the routine by now, but I’m going to keep posting the grading system anyway…

F- I will never see this movie under any circumstances
D- I will never pay theater price to see this movie but may watch it on Netflix
C- I might pay to see this if nothing else is playing, if not I'll catch it on DVD
B- I am not excited, but I'll probably try to catch it in the theater
A- I'm all in

Fast And Furious 6 – F  05/24/13
            I know that some people find this franchise entertaining in an ironic way.  I also know that many more people quite seriously think these movies are fantastic.  I don’t fall into either of these camps.  These movies are crap and a total waste of time.  I find it funny that the only job Vin Diesel can get these days is for the franchise that he thought he was to big for.  I mean seriously, both him and Paul Walker would be working at a Starbucks if people would develop some intelligence and stop paying for these movies.  So, yeah, I won’t be seeing this.

R.I.P.D – C  6/28/13
            At first the thought of Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds in a movie together had me a little excited.  I am not ashamed to admit that I enjoy Ryan Reynolds and Bridges almost never turns in a bad performance no matter how bad the material is he’s working with.  But after seeing the preview, I can’t help but think of this as Men In Black with ghosts instead of aliens.  I don’t like Men In Black much.  But I’ll split the difference between the cast and the plot and give the movie a try anyway.

The Heat – C+  6/27/13
            This movie is probably going to be terrible.  As much as America may love Sandra Bullock, I’ve seen her play this role before and I wasn’t really impressed, so I’m not excited to see her do it again.  I am excited however for almost anything Melissa McCarthy does.  Add in Paul Feig as director and I’m almost certain to see it, even if I’m sacred it’s going to suck.  The trailer had some laugh out loud moments, but I’ve seen enough movies of this ilk to know those moments could be the only funny there is.  I’ll have my fingers crossed the day I get a ticket for this one.

Mud – A  4/26/13
            Matthew McConaughey, Michael Shannon, Sam Shepard, in a Jeff Nichols movie… yes I will.  Hell, even Reese Witherspoon looks entertaining from the preview, and if you know anything about me, that’s a high compliment.  This preview blew me away and after seeing Nichols last film, Take Shelter, I couldn’t be more excited.  I don’t want to build up expectations too much, but I’m not sure how this one can go wrong.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Girl Troubles: Horrible Endings

         Most of the stories I have regarding girl troubles make me out to be the victim.  Whether it’s due to someone else’s actions or my own fear and stupidity, I’m typically the one who ends up hurt or confused or left to learn an important lesson.  But, in all fairness, there has been a time or two when I was the one doling out the heartbreak.  These aren’t stories I’m proud of, or even stories I particularly enjoy telling; it’s always easier to tell the ones that make me liked or pitied.  Yet, if I’m going to paint a full picture of my messy history with the opposite sex these stories need to be told as well.  I’d like to think that all of us have moments when we act in a despicable fashion.  It’s these moments that seem to show our true humanity, that we all have a dark side, that there is no reality to the concept of perfection, just the search for it.  It’s futile to think these lapses will never happen to us, we can only hope that they don’t cause any permanent damage or harm.  Even with admitting all that, there’s nothing easy about telling these stories and facing up to what each of us is capable of.  I spent most of 1996 acting in a way I’ve never been proud of and hopefully will never act like again.
            I’m not sure what it was about that year, maybe it was some horoscope thing, how all the celestial bodies happened to line up for those particular 12 months, but it all started the minute the calendar turned over.  I was back from college and everyone got together to celebrate the new year.  I can’t tell you exactly what happened, maybe it was because I was high as a kite, maybe it was hearing everyone in my life tell me ad nauseum that they didn’t understand why I was dating a girl 3,000 miles away, maybe it was getting readjusted to someone I hadn’t seen in three months who now wanted all of my attention, but Sara annoyed the hell out of me all night.  She annoyed me to the point that I walked away from the party deciding that the relationship was over.  I can’t tell you what she did, it’s been to long, but if my vague memories are right, it wasn’t even something to write about, something that others would have heard and said, right on, you needed out of that.   It was me being 18, super sensitive, and stupid as hell.
            My next move should have been sitting down with Sara and talking about how I felt, but instead, scared to break the girl’s heart, I acted like everything was fine for the next few days, or however long I was still at home, and headed back to California planning on ending the relationship over the phone from across the country.  I knew at the time the relationship deserved a better ending than this, that it wasn’t nice or fair or appropriate, but I just didn’t have the guts to handle my business face to face.  I think I waited a month or so before finally announcing my feelings to her.  The plan was to act like it was something new, that since returning to California I realized things weren’t going to work out, but for whatever reason, probably guilt, I came out with the whole truth.  She begged me not to dump her, much like I feared, and I didn’t handle it any better than I thought I would face to face.  After what I’m sure was hours, I recanted on my stance and told her I was willing to give things a second try.  I would like to say that I came to that conclusion because of something she said, that she made me see how stupid my reasoning was and that what we had was worth keeping alive, but that wasn’t the case.  My thinking was more along the lines of, it’s killing me to hear her breakdown and beg me to stay, so if I just agree to try again we can end this phone call, and since I’m 3,000 miles away for the next three or four months, I have three or four months to figure the rest out.
            I spent those months pretending that there was no Sara, that we had broken things off and I was free to do as I pleased.  What did it matter?  She wasn’t going to know what happened or didn’t happen anyway.  I still talked with her on the phone and kept up appearances, but really I was open to any California girl that came my way.  In all honesty, I wasn’t totally over her.  There was a part of me that still missed her terribly and didn’t want to completely let go.  She was still the one I wanted to be the first to hear my news, the one I wanted to share all my inside jokes with, the one I loved whether that love was something that had run its course or not.  So what I really found myself in was the perfect position.  I had three months to explore whatever I wanted on the west coast and if nothing happened or didn’t feel right, I had her waiting for me back east.
            When the school year came to an end, I came back east still unsure of what I wanted from Sara.  The first weekend I was back, Sara’s parents were out of town and she had everyone over to hangout.  It was a super weird night where I was unsure of what she wanted from me or what I wanted to happen, how I was supposed to act towards her or how I was supposed to act towards everyone else.  Sara and I hadn’t talked since I got back, so I was somewhat unclear on what our relationship was supposed to be, or who knew what and what was thought about everything.  There were plenty of uncomfortable moments where things were said or done and I wasn’t sure what to say or how to react.  I kind of wanted to just be with her and hash things out, but the presence of all our friends made that impossible.  So, I hung around until everyone filtered out thinking we would get a chance to talk.  Instead, she took me up to her room and we had sex.  At the time, I thought it was a sign that everything was okay and just went with it.  What I realize now is that it was her way of keeping me around.  If we talked, things might come to an end, but who would leave a girl who was throwing herself at them?
            This went on for a while, but something just wasn’t right.  Things weren’t the same in ways that I can’t really describe or pinpoint 17 years later.  I think part of it was I still wasn’t sure I wanted the relationship.  I think another part was she was unhappy with herself for letting me treat her how I did and still wasn’t able to let go.  Part of it might even have been an eerie sense of desperation that hung over everything.  So, we powered through, trying to make things work, but both unsure that it was really what we wanted.  But as the summer stretched out, I became more and more sure that things were over.  She started to demand things I wasn’t willing to give, she annoyed me at almost every event we attended, she kept trying to overcompensate for the distance that was growing between us.  I was still scared of breaking things off, though; I had tried it once before and it went really bad, the thought of going through it again killed me.
Everything came to a head one night half way through the summer when I did something I have grown to regret more then anything else in my life.  The Summer of ’96 has become the summer of legend.  It’s the summer when my circle of friends discovered the joys of drinking as a group.  Every weekend was a reason to get together, get drunk, and do a bunch of stupid shit.  Everyone has this period in their life, the period that you love to reminisce about whenever you get together with people, the period when the whole world seemed to be there for your pleasure.  A group of at least 8 of us got together every weekend that summer, usually at Paul’s, and drank to oblivion.  We were all at one of these get togethers.  I was pretty drunk.  I have no idea where Sara was, but I was talking with Betty and things started to get kind of intense.  So intense that I was feeling the urge to reach out and kiss her, and so intense that I was sure she was totally okay with that.  This was the Betty who I had been extremely close friends with over the previous three years, the Betty who was also one of Sara’s closest friends.  The thought ran through my head that if I made out with Betty, Sara would be so upset she would break up with me, or at the very least, would not beg me to stay with her when I tried to end it myself.  So, Betty and I decided to go for a walk and, when we thought no one was around, made out on the side of the street.
I went to Sara a week or so later, scared that the news would get to her some other way than from me (this feels like a whole other level of sickness, I was fine doing something despicable to break the girl’s heart, but I was truly worried how she would react if someone other than me told her).  Much to my chagrin, it didn’t change anything.  She still begged me not to break up with her, to just make it last the summer until we both went off to college.  This time, for whatever reason, I held my ground. It felt absurd to go forward together another second after all that had happened.  There were tons of tears and more kissing then would be expected, but I eventually got up off the couch and walked out the door for good.
You might think this is where the story ends, but I ruined more than one relationship that summer.  As much as that kiss with Betty was a means to an end for me, it was much more to her.  Over the years our extremely close friendship had turned into more of a crush from her end and the kiss validated everything she had been feeling.  She thought very much that it was going to be the start of something new between us.  I did not.  Yet, once again, I didn’t have the guts, or the desire, to make that point very clear.  We still had a chunk of the summer to get through, and now that Sara was out of the picture, I needed someone to hang out with.  We never ended up having sex, but we certainly explored every inch of each other’s bodies.  I did make it clear that I wanted to go back to California single, that I wasn’t looking for us to turn into anything serious, but I let plenty of things happen knowing darn well that she didn’t feel the same.  When we both got back to school, she would write me and call me, and I would respond coldly or not at all.  Slowly but surely, and after taking a few deserved verbal swings, she stopped trying to contact me, and what was an amazing friendship came to a horrible end.
         I have very little to say in defense of my behavior.  I could plead youth and inexperience.  I could argue that I was going through so much change in my life and I was unprepared to handle it properly.  But all that just feels like excuses.  I acted like a selfish asshole no matter what context you try to put it in and treated people I cared about deeply in horrendous ways.  Above everything else I’m totally embarrassed of how I acted during that year.  It wasn’t me.  I never acted like that prior and I’ve never acted like that since.  Maybe that was why Sara and I were able to have a long friendship after all was said and done.  Even she was able to recognize that, for whatever reason, I wasn’t the guy she knew when all that went down.  And maybe it’s why I’m so quick to forgive or deflect when I’ve been treated in similar ways.  Maybe they’re just not themselves.  Maybe they’ll come back to their senses like I did.  Or maybe not; maybe that part is just me.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reviewing The Previews: 4/16/13

Here are the previews I saw this week and what I thought about them.  And, if you don’t know or you’re unsure…

F- I will never see this movie under any circumstances
D- I will never pay theater price to see this movie but may watch it on Netflix
C- I might pay to see this if nothing else is playing, if not I'll catch it on DVD
B- I am not excited, but I'll probably try to catch it in the theater
A- I'm all in

The Big Wedding – F  4/26/13
            I can only assume this movie is going to be a complete mess because the preview was as big a mess as I’ve ever seen.  I really have no idea what the actual plot of the movie is except it revolves around a wedding and having to hide some type of relationship from the in-laws.  There was nothing interesting or funny going on here, let alone clear.  They try to drop some big names like De Niro and Keaton and Robin Williams, but we all know that group is as capable of making crap as they are quality.  If I had a choice of staring at a blank wall or watching this movie, I’d go with the wall.

After Earth – D  6/7/13
            As my brother-in-law commented, why are they talking like that?  I’m not sure if it’s bad acting or on purpose but there was a stiffness to the acting in this preview that scares me a little.  And I can’t help but feel that Will Smith is trying to force his kids on me, which makes me not want to see this at all.  How many times am I going to have to see Jaden Smith play Will Smith’s son?  The story looks interesting and the effects look pretty good, but my building anti-Smith stance is going to keep me away. (Side note: I write these reviews based on the previews and my reactions.  It didn’t say anywhere in the preview that M. Knight Shyamalan directed it, I just found that out know.  That’s a fact that would have bumped this grade up to C- or C)

Hangover 3 – C  5/24/13
            I was never as impressed with the first one as everyone else was and the sequel was horrible, so I’m not really anticipating this movie like the rest of the world seems to be.  I like the cast and think they are all highly capable of being funny, but nothing in the preview has me thinking this one is going to be any better than part 2.  I have my fingers crossed that this series plays out like the Ocean’s 11 movies; one great, one horrible, one entertaining.

The Great Gatsby – B  5/10/13
            I hate this book and I’m certainly not a fan of Baz Luhrmann, yet this preview has me intrigued.  There may be something to the idea that Luhrmann’s style is best seen in small clips and that a 5 minute preview is all one can take of his stuff.  He likes the saturated colors and flashy takes, and all that gets a bit much over 2 hours, but in 5 minutes it really catches your eye.  The cast is great, the subject matter is revered, Luhrmann’s take looks strangely interesting.  If nothing else, this movie will spark discussion.