Turn about is fair play. Last week was the ladies, this week is going to be the guys. Here are the Top 5 actors that annoy me the most...
5) Leonardo Dicaprio
This is a hold over from his early work. I really can't stand total slop movies like Romeo and Juliet and Titanic and those movie's stink is still all over Dicaprio. Even though I love The Departed and have enjoyed a couple of his other flicks, I still cringe every time I see his name in the credits. I get why people like him and I understand that he is solid in his craft, but he's just not my guy.
4) Richard Gere
I get that the ladies love his suave dignified manner, but there just something about his smugness on the screen that drives me batty. I really can't think of anything likable about his screen presence, unless you're a woman. And in all honesty, what movie of any quality has he ever done? An Officer and A Gentleman? Like I said, if your not a woman why do you care? Pretty Woman? Everyone may like it, but is it really a good movie? I give him Primal Fear, but let's be honest, that movie was amazing because of Edward Norton. Put anyone else in Gere's role and it's still the same movie. He has no talent other then looking smug on film and that annoys the piss out of me.
3) David Spade
I used to like this guy. I didn't like him a ton, but his "Hollywood Minute" segments on SNL were some of the funniest stuff put on TV. But at this point in his career he's become beyond unbearable. Some people think that Adam Sandler has become annoying, this guy started off more annoying and has fallen a lot further. I can't think of one movie role that I actually enjoyed him in. Even in PCU, a movie I love, every scene he was in was that much harder to watch. This pick could have easily been Rob Schneider, another guy who had funny moments on SNL but has had a God awful movie career, but I did love Deuce Bigalow, so I went with Spade instead.
2) Paul Giamatti
I feel like this pick has a lot to do with the characters he plays then my actual feelings about Giamatti himself. He tends to play a lot of characters who are supposed to be annoying, so maybe him being so high on this list is a credit to how good he is at his craft. Aside from Sideways, which I loved him in, I really can't stand any role he's played. He plays those characters so well, at some point you have to wonder that he's just that annoying in real life.
1) Billy Bob Thornton
I don't get this guy at all. I don't get why people think he's a good actor. I don't get why he's considered such a big Hollywood player. I don't get why Angelina Jolie would have ever been seen in public with him. He's about as overrated a human being as there can be. About the only role he excels at and is believable in is his white trash ones and my theory is, it takes one to know one. I couldn't imagine an actor that makes me turn away from a movie quicker then Thornton.
Honorable Mentions: Robert Pattinson; Kevin James
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