Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Walking Dead: Walk With Me

     THE GOVERNOR HAS ARRIVED!  Most of us who have read the comics have waited two long years for the moment when we would be introduced to The Governor and Woodbury.  I have to admit it wasn't what I expected, but it also far from unsatisfactory.  Some speculated that Merle would become The Governor, so when he showed up in the first 10 minutes of the episode I was sure he was the guy.  What an entrance!  It was everything you would want from The Governor, obvious crazy and bad ass violent.  But the writers decided to go another way with the character of the Governor, a more subtle route with Merle just a lap dog.  They did away with the crazy biker running a city of psychos and gave us a straight laced politician type running a stepford wives community.  I have to admit, I'm excited about this new Governor, there's something way creeper and potentially more volatile about a crazy man who seems to have his shit together.  You can feel the crazy bubbling under the surface and get apprehensive about when it's going to blow.  I do think the fish tank at the end was over doing it.  It really didn't serve any purpose other then to let us know the guy isn't right, and I felt that was established enough during the episode.  I've always been a bigger fan of subtle and the fish tank was anything but.
     I was going to write something about how creepy I found Michonne's pet zombies, the way they just stand there without jaws or arms, rocking back and forth moaning.  But then she did away with them and removed that problem.  The show hasn't gotten into who those zombies were yet and I'm not sure that they will, but in the comics they were her boyfriend and best friend, so the suddenness of her actions was a little startling, yet was a great study into the character.  She carried around these zombies who she was emotionally attached to, yet was will to sacrifice them in a second if she thought they effected her chances of survival.
     So far this season the show seems to be heading in a great direction.  It has picked up some of the most compelling stories from the comics and appears to be doing them justice.  While not lifting them word for word, they have put their own twists on them, twists that change things slightly but keep the heart of the stories in tact.

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