I guess if you total ignore what a prenuptial actually is and bring your HIMYM standards down to season seven expectations, this was an entertaining episode. I want to expect more but this episode may be the bar for a normal episode. There may be an episode or two that jumps way over that bar and there is certainly going to be a number of episodes that fall way under it, but this is going to be all we can ask now from the writers. It had it's funny moments, again as long as you pretend that a prenuptial is a contract about behavior and not assets, but nothing that really makes you fall off the couch laughing. I liked Bob Odenkirk's ring tone, but I feel like it's a joke that has been used on this show before. The shock collar fantasy was really funny, but then went to far when they explained where it was. It would have been fine leaving it to our imagination.
If there is one thing that HIMYM has been doing well so far this season, it's incorporating the new cast members. Over the years the writers seemed to struggle working new characters successfully into the group, but all three of the new players are wonderful additions. They fit right in and are almost more compelling at this point then the main characters. Even Bob Odenkrik and Thomas Lennon make great work of the few scene they get, stealing every one of them. Which of course makes it more painful to realize that they will all be gone in short order. I think I would much rather have Barney stay with Quinn just so she will continue to inhabit the show's universe then have Barney get back with Robin and lose her. That's not even mentioning that I always wished Victoria could be the mom because she was hands down the best girlfriend Ted has had on the show.
I guess I'm giving this show a win, only because of the new standards, making the season 1-1, and praying this is the last season because I hate watching such a formally great show suffer.
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