Today is going to be a busy day. This should be one of three posts, so get ready to ignore or get ready to read, which ever suits your opinion of my writing. I missed commenting on last weeks season 2 part 2 Walking Dead premiere, I was time strapped, so I'll add a few comments in this review but I'm not going back, that's how you end up dead.
"Triggerfinger" may be the most intense episode of Walking Dead up to date. This is a show I thought was great from episode one that just keeps getting better and better. There were two scenes in particular that blew me away. One of the first scenes of the show was a tenacious walker trying to shove his face through the partially shattered windshield of Lori's wrecked car. I was already to write about this being the most intense scene in the show so far, the way the walker just wouldn't give up, ramming his face into the windshield, cutting his face as he pushed through, all while Lori sat trapped in the car, but then the writers one upped themselves. The scene with Rick, Hershel and Glenn deciding what to do with the impaled newcomer as the walkers start appearing everywhere is probably the best of the series so far. Should they amputate? Should they rip the leg off? Should they run? It was edgy, grab on to your pillow, on the edge of your seat, thrilling television.
Not only has the show been at it's thrilling best, but the plot is moving forward as we get introduced to more people and more dangerous situations. I'm not sure how the story plays to someone who hasn't read the comics, but those of us who have are getting a little giddy with anticipation. You can see the story lines moving towards two events and I'm excited to see how the television show decides to deal with them. What is going to happen with Shane? Is he going to go of the deep end and meet his demise? Are the people Rick, Hershel and Glenn ran into disciples of the Governor? I have to admit I was extremely happy to see Michael Raymond-James (I loved him in Terriers) and equally upset to have him get killed a few minutes later. He would have been great on this show, but what are you going to do. His demise made sense and was a huge development in the show, so I guess you take the good with the bad.
Can't wait for next week. Things are really starting to pick up!
This was a good episode, best of the season so far, but when you spend 7 episodes looking for 1 person, any movement is good movement. I think Shane’s biggest problem is Lori, she truly is the cause of most all of his frustration and anger. I would be angry too if someone was pregnant with what may be my child and got treated like he does; I might want to kill some zombies too. I will admit last weeks episode did make a couple people actually call me at work at DISH and ask me to tell AMC to stop showing zombies on their shows… I didn’t know what to say, so I said ok. They need to get the series moving because it really got stagnant for most of the season, and even with all that stagnant time, poor T-Dogg still only has like three lines an episode if that. I watched Trigger Finger again this morning on AMC’s page on DISH online; tell me the zombie peeling its own face off to get through the hole in the windshield wasn’t awesome because I had to watch it twice.