Monday, February 20, 2012

Top 5: Action Movies of 2011

     Oscar Season is one of my favorite times of the year.  That being the case the week leading up to the big event will be filled with Top 5's themed with the best films that 2011 had to offer.  I'm going to start things out with a genre that doesn't get acknowledged enough, if at all, by the Academy, action films.  There were plenty of good actions films this year, a couple that I thought might have stood a chance at getting some Best Picture attention.  Here are the five that I thought were the best...

5) The Mechanic
          Okay, I'm a sucker for almost any Jason Statham movie.  Add Ben Foster, who I think has been ignored more then once by the Academy, and you get a film I can't pass up.  There was nothing extraordinary about this film, just two great actors kicking lots of ass.  It's was much more gory then I expected, as if it had been mixed with a horror film, but that's not a knock.

4)  Limitless
          I might be stretching the definition of an action movie by including this one.  It was more of a psychological thriller or suspense movie then action, but I figure there was enough fight and chase scenes to include it.  This one totally surprised me.  With Bradley Cooper as the star I was kind of expecting a stupid over budget flop that had nothing to it.  Not that I don't like Cooper, I've been a fan ever since Alias, but it seemed like his star had reached a point where he could cash in on a couple bad action movies.  Limitless is a smart thriller about a new drug that makes the taker super smart.  It's smart, exciting, fast paced, intriguing, entertaining, everything you could want from a good action movie.

3)  Drive
          This one had me a little torn.  I was going to put it lower, if not on the Honorable Mention list, but some elements of the movie were so outstanding it ended up three.  For an action movie, Drive is horribly slow.  It felt like the makers only had an hour of material so they just made every scene last two or three extra minutes so they could fill an hour and a half.  That being said, when something did happen it was awesome.  The action scenes were amazing.  The acting was great as well.  Ryan Gosling was as bad ass as you can get.  Gosling is proving to be one of the best, most versatile young actors out there.  Albert Brooks was outstanding and bad ass as well.  Brooks not getting nominated for Best Supporting Actor was one of the biggest snubs of the season.  So in the end, it was worth sitting through the dull parts just to see the wonderful acting and intense action.

2)  Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
          Another movie that surprised the hell out of me.  When this one was announced, I groaned and claimed there was no way I was getting within ten feet of the film.  Then I saw the trailer and it seemed better then I expected.  The movie was a well told story that was able to make me believe the events could occur.  Yes, there were holes, but it was just real enough for me to buy in.  It was also a great homage to the original movie.  The opening scene was a beautiful and subtle reversal of one of the most famous scenes from the first.  It was also cool how they threw in news reports about the shuttle launch that would ultimately be Charlton Heston's journey.  The movie was everything if didn't expect it to be, and above all, wildly entertaining.  I would say it's a must see.

1)  Super 8
          In an Oscar season that is filled with homages and love letters to bygone film eras, Super 8 is another that should be added to the list.  The era it is harkening back to isn't 80 years gone, but that doesn't make it any less of a love letter.  Super 8 is J.J. Abrams homage to the Steven Spielberg and George Lucas films of our youth and the style of film making that started many a film maker's career.  Mixing elements of E.T., Raiders Of The Lost Ark and Jaws, Abrams nailed what made that era so special.  I am totally surprised and totally disappointed that this movie didn't get a Best Picture nomination.  It's everything that is great about movie making and should have been recognized as such.  The only thing I can think is that it's early summer release hurt it by not being fresh in the voters minds.  This wasn't just the best action movie this year, but one of the best movies period.

Honorable Mentions: Hobo With A Shotgun, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

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