Monday, February 11, 2013

Top 5: Albums of 2012

It looks like I have fallen behind in my blog updates.  It really doesn’t matter why, but I’ve found myself unable to find time to sit down and write the last few months.  Which means… It’s time for me to try catching up!!  I originally planned on having a week of Top 5 Lists dealing with the best of 2012.  That never happened, but I still feel the need to write about my favorite TV shows, books and music from last year, so you’re going to get it now.  Better late then never, I guess.
            I’m going to kick off my belated Top 5 of 2012 lists with Top 5 Favorite Albums of 2012, or CDs if you have no idea what an album is.  I know we live in a world where singles are more important then putting together a full album, but to me, it’s all about being entertained for 30-45 minutes.  A song is a novelty; an album is a creative statement.  Her are my favorite albums of 2012…

5) Go Fly A Kite – Ben Kweller
            Ben Kweller is not pop enough to be mainstream nor avant-garde enough o be considered trendy, so he’s perfect for my tastes.  He’s been cranking out quality album after quality album under the radar since 2002.  This years release was a perfect addition to his catalogue.  Somewhere between the pop rock of On My Way and the alt-country of Changing Horses, Go Fly A Kite is a fun, light, musical romp.  Kweller has a style that’s poignant without being edgy, which makes for great music.
            Favorite Tracks: "Mean To Me", "Jealous Girl"

4) Candy Coated Fury – Reel Big Fish
            If I based this list just on album title, this would be the hands down number one.  And there probably wasn’t much doubt this would make the list, because if you’ve read any of this blog you know how extremely biased I am when it comes to RBF.  But the truth is this album actually had to grow on me.  My first reaction was slight disdain; the lyrics were cheesy (or cheesier then normal for you RBF detractors), the songs were to repetitive, Scott Klopfenstein isn’t on the album.  Slowly, though, I found the songs sticking in my head and caught myself humming horn lines over and over.  It’s not the best RBF album, not even the third best, but it has some great songs and certainly holds up in the RBF cannon.  I might not have loved it right off the bat, but it certainly became one of my favorites of 2012.
            Favorite Tracks: "I Dare You To Break My Heart", "I Know You To Well To Like You Anymore", "Your Girlfriend Sucks"

3) Day Job – Suburban Legends
            This was a good year for ska.  RBF came back to form and the Suburban Legends cam out with probably their best album ever.  Suburban Legends, made up of equal parts ska, pop, boy band, and disco, are one of those bands who I’ve continued to listen to over the years because I know they can write a good hook, but none of their recent albums have done much for me.  Their first album, Rump Shaker, was arguably a third wave ska classic, but everything since has been a little tepid.  They’ve written a few good songs but haven’t put together a full album.  Day Job puts together everything that is fun about the band, their infectious hooks, silly sense of humor and high energy, and maintains it for a full 35 minutes.  It is certainly a throw back to the Rump Shaker days.  They even threw in two of their popular Disney covers.
            Favorite Tracks: "Open Your Eyes", "Love Fair", "Can’t Stop It"

2) Uno – Green Day
            Talk about returning to form.  Green Day, after the totally forgettable 21st Century Breakdown, released three fantastic albums that brought back the late 90’s with gusto.  Even though all three were solid albums, Uno was the best of the bunch.  There is a small part of me that thinks they would have been better off just taking the best 12 to 14 tracks and made amazing album that would have probably been there all time best, but I’m not going to complain.  Of the three, Uno had the most of my favorite tracks, one of those, “Stay The Night”, is probably my favorite song of the year.  The album is classic hard driving pop punk with a few off beat chances, like “Kill The DJ,” that break from typical Green Day fare without losing the spirit and energy of the album.
            Favorite Tracks: "Stay The Night", "Fell For You", "Oh Love"

1) Some Nights – fun
            This album surprised the heck out of me (it is the only band on this list that I hadn’t heard before this year).  I heard “We Are Young” and didn’t think much of it, but suddenly it was everywhere and was getting stuck in my head.  I decided to give the album a listen and was blown away.  What I like so much about Some Nights is how different it is then anything out there.  It isn’t bubble gum pop or whinny guitar rock or any other style you hear over and over on the radio.  fun is a band that is doing their own thing and doing it really well.  The songs are carried by the amazing vocals and harmonies, something that only brings to mind Queen.  Yet that is where the Queen comparisons stop.  There’s no arena level guitar solos on this album, just well constructed songs that jump all over the musical map. 
            Favorite Tracks: "We Are Young", "Why Am I The One", "Some Nights"

Honorable Mentions: Championship Rock-Japandroids, Blak And Blu-Gary Clark Jr., 2nd Law-Muse, Anarchy My Dear-Say Anything

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