Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Girl: Eggs

     Winston is really starting to become a serious problem for this show.  The writers need to decide what to do with him or get rid of him because his lack of significance to the show is really holding it down.  Even when it looks like we are finally going to get a Winston story line and follow him to work it's only to set up a Nick story line.  There's room for more Winston and Lamorne Morris seems capable enough as a comedic actor so something needs to be done.  On a show where everything else is so strong, it doesn't seem like much to ask to give this character more to lift.
     I wasn't crazy about the Nick story line this week either.  It's the first time Nick has come off as totally flat this season.  Jess, on the other hand, was brilliant.  This was definitely Zooey's week to do the heavy lifting and she came through in spades.  She has shown that she has a knack for the physical comedy but this week was all about her one liners.  The comedic timing of the whole cast is just so spot on.  The scene between Schmidt and the gynecologist when he describes how he pleasures a women was great.  "Everybody gets a churro," should be the next big catch phrase!
     For that scene alone this week gets a win, 5-1.  There were no great Nick quotes this week, so I'll give the week to Jess when she said, "I want to give my nipples a purpose!"

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