This is becoming a trend, once again a late posting of this week's eviction journal...
0:17 - Double Eviction Night!! Normally this would have me very excited. Double eviction means that its possible someone puts up two people without having much time to think about it and this can cause problems with alliances. But this year, I feel that the choices are too clear, that it doesn't matter who wins HOH, they already know who has to go up.
0:35 - I'm starting to get a little annoyed with these "last time on Big Brother" segments. Do we really have to go back to the forming of the alliances every episode? I pretty sure everyone watching is up to speed on that one by now.
1:43 - Dan is worried about outing Ian, but does protecting him matter for Dan's game at this point? Boogie is going home this week so Dan will have the numbers no matter what. Why not out Ian and help his own game? It would get Frank off his back.
5:23 - Frank is talking about getting votes to save Boogie... poor Frank doesn't realize there aren't any votes to get. Boogie is going home this week.
6:35 - Ian thinks he's being smooth. Ian, you're about as smooth as a piece of sandpaper.
12:01 - I think they announce the double eviction to the house guests too early. They should wait until after the person get evicted and then spring the DE on them.
17:00 - No surprise here, Boogie goes home. I am going to miss him. There is no personality left in the house.
18:00 - Oh Ian, ego kills. Why did you feel the need to let Boogie know you back stabbed him when he still has a chance to tell Frank? Now you become Frank's number one target. If you kept it quiet you might have been able to get rid of Frank without him ever knowing.
23:30 - What is Ashley doing in the background of the competition?
23:41 - Seriously, what is she doing? It's like a Farley brother's movie. That girl is just plain dumb.
24:23 - Frank is out of HOH... don't lose your cool and go on tilt Frank, you still have the POV to win tonight.
26:01 - Ian wins HOH. This kid might become hard to beat if a majority of the remaining competitions are not physical. He's clearly the smartest person in the house. I'm saying he puts Frank and Joe on the block even though he should wait and backdoor Frank.
28:01 - Ashley on the block? Interesting. I didn't think he would throw his girlfriend up there.
31:41 -Frank wins POV. Told ya Ian should have waited and back doored him. You can't let Frank play in competitions and it's getting close to the time where you won't have the chance to keep him out. Looks like Joe is going up and goes home.
34:47 - Joe vs Ashley... Ashley is beyond not being a threat, so they have to send Joe home.
36:07 - Oh Ashley... how do you function in the real world? You can't even talk. There's been some pretty stupid people on this show, but she is hands down the dumbest.
38:18 - Ashley goes home. I don't get it. Even if she is voting with Frank, the rest of the house has the numbers to run things and there has never been a surer thing in Big Brother then the fact that Ashley will never win a competition. Why not keep her around? Makes no sense to me.
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