Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Walking Dead: Better Angels

     "Better Angels" was the episode that we've been heading towards for a season now.  As surprising as the ending may have been, unlike last weeks twist, this one fit the tale the writers have been telling.  This haven't been going well the Shane and the group since the hunt for Sophia began and, as a mentioned a few reviews ago, had gone far beyond what seemed reasonable for Rick and the group to put up with.  Shane had to go and the question left was will the writers kill him off like the comics or will they have him just break off from the group, left to cause trouble another day.
     My question is, why have Carl kill Zombie Shane (and why did Shane change so much faster then Dale or anyone else)?  I'm not sure what was trying to be said.  They have been trying to paint Carl as heading down a dark road, but isn't killing zombies just a reality of life now, not a sign of dark or deviant behavior?  Carl isn't some sick serial killer in the making because he shot Zombie Shane, he's a survivor.  We'll ignore the fact it would have been impossible for him to shot Shane with Rick standing between them and Carl being a foot or two shorter then Rick and just focus on the fact that he did.  I think it would have been much more powerful to have him actually shoot Shane dead like he did in the comic.  In fact, with the relationship the show has built between the two and the way they have been painting Carl of late, I think it would have been more powerful then the comic.  I find it an interesting choice to have him just shoot the zombie and in all honesty think they sold the moment emotionally short.
     The rest of the episode tried to deal with much of my criticism of the last episode.  The survivors will try to use the loss of their comrade to re-purpose their lives and you could feel them trying to regain the humanity he stood for.  You could sense that the torch may be passed to Glenn and we will have to see if his guilt with his own actions will lead him to become more vocal in the group like Dale was.  I still don't buy Andrea's sudden shift back to normal, which this episode seemed to move even more towards.  And what was with the group attack on the zombie that started off the episode.  It looked like an homage to Office Space and their attack of the copier, it felt shot for shot the same, except Office Space was funny and The Walking Dead is the opposite of funny.  I didn't know how to react to that.
      I not exactly sure what to expect from the season finale now.  I'm guessing we will finally meet the governor, but is that going to be enough to fill a season finale?  What other surprises and emotional tolls do the writers have in store for us?

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