Friday, October 15, 2010

Terriers: Ring-A-Ding-Ding

     At it's heart Terriers is a show about relationships.  Relationships with clients.  Relationships with friends.  Relationships with loved ones.  It deals closely with how people start relationships, how they ruin them and how they try to fix them.  It highlights bad relationships, great relationships, broken relationships, mutually beneficial relationships.  Every character's major dilemma centers around a relationship.  Should I further this relationship?  Should I rekindle this relationship?  Should I stay in this relationship? That being the case, Ring-A-Ding-Ding is a watershed episode in the Terriers universe.  Every relationship in the show will be drastically altered after this episodes events, whether it's how Hank will deal with his ex's pending marriage or when Brit will pop the question to Katie or how Katie will respond or how Hank will go forward with Brit holding on to the information he now has, no one is coming out the same.
      We've pretty much realized from the get go that Hank is all about Hank, no matter what the relationship.  He's shown us time and again that other people's feelings and well being don't mean much when compared to his goals.  The whole Lindus situation was slow moving avalanche that Hank kept getting more and more people caught under, some without them even knowing it.  I have a feeling we haven't seen the end of this storyline and when it reemerges everyone in Hank's life will be at risk because he didn't know when to give in and back down.  In Ring-A-Ding-Ding, we see an inkling of growth though.  You can't help but hope that Hank sees the error of his ways and will be willing to let his ex and her fiancee be at peace, if for nothing else then her happiness.  It was spelled out for him and he seemed to understand the message, now he just needs to act properly.
     The most heart breaking twist was the unveiling that Katie is more Hank when it comes to relationships then she is Brit.  The whole slow train wreck of a situation played out agonizingly beautifully, leaving the viewer to constantly apologize for Katie's actions right up until the moment she confess to Hank that she knew what she was doing all along.  Hank understands, of course.  We can only guess that all the broken relationships in his past, his ex-wife, his ex-partner, ended because he too didn't "feel like he deserved it."  But one can't help but feel impending disaster when the response is to keep Katie's digression quiet.
     Now that everyone's relationship has been turned on its head we will see what Terriers really has to say about relationships.  Are they worth it?  Does someone always have to play the fool?  Can they bring true happiness?  Or only impending pain?  I hope the show doesn't get canceled before we find out!

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