Monday, August 29, 2011

Big Brother 13 : The Latest Rankings

     Well, "Big" Jeff shot himself in the "big" foot and caused a ton of chaos in the process.  Jeff, and obviously Jordan as well, has no one to blame for his departure but himself.  The way he handled the situation with Shelly guaranteed that he would go home.  I've said it a hundred times, I even dedicated a whole post to it, you can't play this game emotionally and a veteran like Jeff should know that.  By getting pissed at Shelly and yelling at her, he insured that he would lose her vote.  It even seemed like if he was even a bit conciliatory right before the vote went down when he went into the laundry room with Shelly, he could sway her back.  But he couldn't and now he's gone.  I get why he was mad, I would have been mad as well, but at the same time he had to understand on some level that he was the biggest threat to everyone in the house, even Shelly.
     I even more disappointed with Jordan.  Big Brother is a game.  It's not real life.  Just because you get along with someone or make fast friends doesn't mean keeping them in the game is best for your chances of winning.  It's something Adam hasn't figured out yet and is the reason he sucks at this game.  Jordan has to understand that the only chance Shelly has at winning is with Jeff gone.  She made a great game move and it had nothing to do with whatever friendship she has built.  Get over yourself and stop crying!
     Here's the rankings...

6) Rachel - She has no shot of winning.  Even if someone decides to keep her around until the finals, she won't get enough votes from the jury.  Or at least, I hope that's the case.  If there's anything good in the world, that would be the case.

5)  Adam - As much as I think he's the worst player I've ever seen, like I mentioned last week, there's the smallest of chances he sticks around because he's a threat to no one.  The person you don't think is a threat, who hasn't pissed anyone off, has a way of winning these shows, eg. Jordan.

4)  Jordan - Her display this week and the fact that Jeff went home has dropped her in the rankings.  I have a feeling Rachel is the one going home if things stay the same, but Jordan hasn't won anything so she will go home next.

3)  Shelly - She has the numbers, but her chances of winning are pretty small now that she pissed off Jeff.  You never know how these things will work out.  I would vote for her for being the best player, but I'm not sure Jeff will look past his personal anger to see that when it comes time to vote.  That doubt keeps her away from the top spot.

2)  Kalia - She has the ability to stay around.  And we found out this week that she's had a deal with Jordan.  She made Jeff mad, but it wasn't as person a backstab as Shelly's, so she fairly well liked by the jury.  Her only down fall right now is she can't win any physical competitions.

1)  Porsche - My how things change.  After sitting around doing nothing for more then half the season, Porsche has proven herself to be quite the threat in competitions.  She hasn't really pissed anyone off, other then not doing anything, so she should pull in a good number of jury votes.  Suddenly, it looks like she has the best chance of pulling this thing off.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Big Brother 13 : Double Eviction Night

     Here's this week's eviction journal...

0:08 - Today is double eviction day!  These can be fun episodes...

1:35 - Jeff's best move was to backdoor Daniele.  She was the only real threat in the house.  Putting her on the block was a solid game move.

2:11 - The best zing was probably, "Shelly, what do you call someone who smokes, hunts and fishes.  A dude."

5:36 - I really can't stand people who give themselves nicknames.  I also really can't stand when people use big in front of their name as a nickname.  That being said, Jeff, let's stop with this Big Jeff shit.  It's dumb and annoying.

7:00 - You really can't trust Shelly at all in this game, but Daniele has found herself in a position where she has no choice.  The other side of the coin is Shelly seems to be a smart player and helping Daniele is a good move at this point.  Shelly can beat Daniele in the final vote, she can't beat Jeff or Jordan.

8:00 - If Adam was a smart player at all he would jump on this deal.  He's in a similar position as Shelly.  He can beat Daniele in a final vote, but he has no shot against Jeff and Jordan.  I also don't think either could beat Jeff and Jordan in a competition.  Vote off Kalia and team up with Daniele to get rid of Jeff, Jordan and Rachel.

11:45 - Nice tactics by Shelly!  She knew exactly what to say to get Rachel fired up.  And we all know that Rachel plays dumber the more emotional she gets.

13:44 - "Who knew help would come in the form of red extensions and furry boots."  Daniele comes through with one of the best lines of the season.

14:20 - Man, they told the house guests about the double eviction to early.  Now they have time to think and communicate about what they should do.  Julie should have waited until after the HOH competition, called everyone into the living room and told them then.  That would have been much more interesting.

15:30 - Interesting speech by Daniele, but it's full of holes.  First, Jeff is obviously playing as good a game as her.  She should have gave him credit instead of saying she was the only one playing.  Second, she's as responsible as anyone else for writing Jeff and Jordan a check.  She could have teamed up with Brendon and Rachel and got rid of them, but she got to caught up in making sure Brendon was gone.

24:40 - Seriously, Adam is probably the worst player ever or at least the worst player to ever make it this far.

25:50 - Kalia wins... has to put Jeff and Jordan on the block.

28:03 - WHAT!?!  Why put Rachel up there?  I guess she has the votes, so Jeff is going home anyway, but still, why not send a bigger message and put both of them up?

37:10 - Rachel pouts like a 5 year old when things don't go her way.  I think the fact that Brendon actually wants to be married to this person says more about him then anything he did in the game.

38:15 - Wow, Jeff, don't think I've ever seen someone aim their speech at a specific person like that before.  I really don't think that's the best strategy, but he's obviously hot and this double eviction thing doesn't give you much time to keep a level head when things don't go your way.

40:00 - He had to go eventually.  He's just too big a threat to everyone.  Jordan needs to be next.

43:10 - I get Jordan being upset, but come on Rachel, save us the tears.  She's the only ally you have in the house, you don't have to fake crying to show you care.  This upcoming week will be big for Jordan.  She has to win or hope Rachel wins HOH or she will probably go home.  Well, if people are smart she would be going home, but there's always the chance that the HOH decides they want to get rid of Rachel. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Big Brother 13 : Mid Season Lull

     I mentioned in my last post that every season of Big Brother seems to have a mid to late season lull where everything gets a little boring and there isn't much to say about what it going on.  With a third of this latest episode focusing on a challenge that consisted of people just running back and forth on a slippery mat, it has pretty much been confirmed that we are in that lull.  The bigger problem being that this cast hasn't been all that fun or interesting in the first place, so the mid season lull is really going to take its toll this year.  So, I make a few quick points and then jump right to this weeks rankings...

     -- I don't think there is one housemate this season that gets the concept of subtlety.  Kalia, don't run to Jeff and say I know you're going to want to put me on the block but what about Rachel.  Instead drop comments and thoughts about Rachel's play outside the context of saving your ass.  Nobody likes people who blatantly kiss ass, at least pretend a little.  This has been a major flaw in everyone's game this season.  There are ways to get people to do what you want without letting them know that is what you are doing.  Just coming out and telling them to backstab someone else is a sure fire way to get booted off the show.

     -- I hate the "no hard feelings" add on to every nominations ceremony.  You may not have hard feelings, but you just put my ass up on the block to get kicked off the show, so I have hard feelings.  It's easy not to have hard feelings when you have no chance of being kicked off this week.  I just feel like that comment is pouring salt in the wound.  It would piss me off more then just being put on the block.

8) Porsche - once again, she hasn't won anything, like Jeff pointed out, she hasn't played the game at all, and she has floated back and forth between sides.  Now, she's up on the block.  I have a feeling that Kalia is going home this week, but the writing is on the wall, Porsche will not win.

7) Kalia - she is the most likely person to go home this week.  She just has no game what so ever.

6) Rachel - she is in a strong alliance and may get carried to the end, if for no other reason then everyone knows she won't win, but my rankings are supposed to be who has the best shot at winning and I just can't see people voting for her to win.

5) Adam - it seems like every year someone who doesn't deserve to be in the game makes it to the end.  I bumped Adam up the ranking a bit this week because I have a feeling he might be that person this season.  He's put himself in a position where he isn't a threat and he's a vote in your pocket, so he just may be carried into a position where he only needs to pull out an upset to make the final two or three.

4) Daniele - there is a small chance that she gets backdoored this week, but the longer she stays in the game the more dangerous she will be.

3) Jeff - I still don't get why he isn't the number one target in the house.  Everyone just seems to bow to him.  If Daniele stays this week and wins HOH next week she has to put him up, deal or no deal, right?  At the same time, he has so many people on his side that it's hard not to think he's a favorite.

2) Shelly - she some how survived last week without looking as bad to the housemates as she did to those of us watching.  She still has a strong alliance with those in power and if that alliance wins the next few HOH's, last weeks problems will blow over and she will be in a good spot to win.  Only problem is she can't seem to win anything.

1) Jordan - does anyone even realize that she's in the house?  She seems to be in prime position to glide through her second season of Big Brother with a win

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Big Brother 13 : Eviction Journal

     Better late then never, I guess...

1:21 - I don't get the importance of the family phone call on these reality game shows.  Are most people so dependent on others that they need to have an emotional breakdown over the chance to talk to a loved one after a month or two?  I know I'm obviously in the minority on this one, but I'm 100% positive that I would be able to go a few months without talking to my girlfriend or parents or siblings without shedding any tears over it.

1:32 - The only way Adam can win a competition... the other players throw it.  And can we talk about the name of this competition for a second.  The Cornhole Game?  That means something else totally different where I come from.  Someone on the production team for Big Brother has to be laughing that he got that name through and on national television.

1:55 - I still say getting rid of Brendon is not the right game move for Daniele.  Even though all the focus has been on Brendon and Rachel, this is Jeff and Jordan's house.  I would have taken the chance to align with Brendon and taken the power away from J & J.

4:50 - Rachel, I can't help noticing in your confessional interviews, you had enough money for a boob job but you can't seem to afford blemish cream.  Just saying.

8:00 - The longer Brendon stays in this game, the better his game play is looking.  I guess it takes two and a half seasons for a rocket scientist to figure things out.

10:17 - Rachel, on the other hand, should just let Brendon do all the talking.  I'm pretty sure she'll never get it.  That conversation with Porsche was one of the most pathetic attempts at swaying a person's vote I've ever seen.

13:00 - In all honesty, Jeff should be the number one target in this house.  I'm not sure why Daniele has such a boner for Brendon.  Jeff is well liked, does well in competitions, and plays smart.  Right now him and Jordan have all the power and are just letting others pick each other off.  Not sure why Daniele is missing this.

16:00 - Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, I wish I could explain to you why Jeff and Jordan aren't cowards but are actually good players and why you're failure to see this is why you suck so bad at this game, but it would just be too much a colossal waste of time.

19:20 - Snore... Aside from these boring interviews, it seems like we are reaching a lull in the season.  Every season seems to reach a point where there just isn't anything interesting going on.  I think that lull may be upon us.

30:54 - Do we really need to go through the motions with this vote?  Does anyone else remember when they would just announce the vote results with obvious votes like this?  How about the red paddles?  Things were so much more efficient back then.

40:20 - Why not dive back to the soap?  That's what I would try.  It would be way faster then trying to walk.

     I think Jeff is going to win this, but I have no idea who he puts up.  It might be a week to get rid of floaters putting Adam and Porsche in jeopardy.  I don't think he would go after Daniele yet, but we will have to wait and see.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Big Brother 13 : Reasons I Hate America and other musings

     A few random thoughts on where we are in the house before I get to this week's rankings...

     -- I wanted to believe that CBS rigged the vote to make sure Brendon returned to the game and the house went in to chaos.  The way the momentum was moving in the house, Brendon was the best ratings choice.  If I was a CBS executive, I would have voted for Brendon.  But then I heard the results of the Iowa straw poll and I realized that America is just stupid.  Something tells me Big Brother is big in the Mid-West, and if they think Michelle Bachmann is a valid candidate to run our country then why wouldn't they vote Brendon back into the Big Brother House?  The more troubling question is, has the Big Brother America vote become a sign of where the country electorate is at?  I think I'm ready to pull a Alec Baldwin and threaten to leave the country if this Brendon and Rachel support continues.  Hope you're happy watching the tears and sappy love speeches, America, it's what you voted for.

     -- Julie kept saying that for the first time in Big Brother history a player who was voted out was going to be brought back into the house.  Julie, you obviously forgot about season six when America got to vote Kaysar back in.

     -- I have no sympathy for Shelly and her whining and tears.  She made the stupidest game move this side of Lawon asking to be voted off.  She was doing a great job of playing both sides and then, for god knows what reason, decides to celebrate when Brendon gets back in the house.  She made it obviously clear what side of the house she was on and now should be going home.  She should have played it cool, continued to lay low and everything would have been fine.  To top it all off, after weeks of talking on camera about how she was playing both sides, to gets upset because Rachel is "lying."  As much as I hate Rachel, she never lied about Shelly.  Shelly was playing both sides, finally got caught doing it and now is having a revisionist memory of what she was doing in the house.  The only person Shelly should be mad at is herself.

     -- Porsche has to be the queen of the floaters.  I don't think I've seen a player go from totally entrenched in one side of the house to just as entrenched in the other so fast.  I can't believe we haven't had a Rachel confessional yet where she talks about how much she hates "Super Floater" Porsche.  I have no respect for her game play at all.

     -- Remember this moment, because I don't think it will happen again... for the first time in two seasons Brendon made sense and possible a great game move.  The best game play at the moment would be Daniele, Brendon and Rachel teaming up.  None of these three will win unless they are the final three, so why not carry each other there.  If I am Daniele, I'm not going into this pact without making it clear that Jeff and Jordan need to go next and that Kalia must be part of the alliance until the final four.

     Here's the rankings...

9) Porsche - she floats, she can't win competitions, and I find her super annoying.  She won't be the next one out, but she isn't winning.

8) Adam - for all the same reasons above

7) Shelly - if someone gets taken off the block this week there is a good chance Brendon will go home and then Shelly can try to rehabilitate her reputation, but things aren't looking good.

6) Brendon - again, if someone gets taken off the block, he's going home.  If not and he gets together with Daniele, he has a small chance of winning.

5) Rachel - she's like a cockroach, you just can't kill her.  If Brendon stays and the deal with Daniele works out she actually has a small chance of winning.  God help me.

4) Jeff - At some point people have to turn on him... they just have to.

3) Kalia - I'm getting really annoyed with her crying and game play, but it's working and she stands a good chance of lasting a long time.

2) Daniele - she really needs to keep the deal with Brendon and Rachel.  If she does, she seals her second victory.

1) Jordan - seriously, she isn't on any ones radar.  She's going to float through another season of this game.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Big Brother 13 : "I Can't Take Any More Women Crying"

     Time for this week's eviction episode journal...

1:36 - Get rid of Rachel!  What's all this second guessing bullshit?  She needs to go.  Don't over think the game or you will get crushed.

1:57 - Lawon is one of the stupidest players the game has ever seen.  What special power do you think you're going to get?  What makes you think you can win anything that will allow you to stay?  I think he caught the disillusion disease from Rachel.

2:18 - I've said it so many times it's practically my Big Brother mantra, numbers mean everything.  You can't make a deal with Rachel, you have to keep the numbers.  Even not knowing that Shelly is not with you, you have to get rid of everyone against you before you pick of those with you.  Why make a deal with someone you can't trust and get rid of someone who is less harmful then a fly?  This has to be one of the dumbest thoughts in Big Brother history.  It shouldn't even be entertained.

6:04 - She's stupid, Jeff

6:23 - I'll say it again, the only thing that matters is numbers.  Ignore the twist and do what you have to do to keep the most people in your camp as possible.  If something changes that, deal with it latter. Right now you need to get Rachel out.

12:50 - Wait... was there a deal made?  What was the deal?  I don't understand what just happened.

14:50 - Shelly is a pretty good player and a great reader of people.  The thing I don't get is, why does she want to make sure Jeff and Jordan go all the way to the finals?  They've both played before and one of them won, why do they deserve it more then others?  She could have used her great game play to team with Dom or save Cassie, but instead she's helping people that don't need help.  I don't get it.

17:50 - I really hope this vote comes down to Adam and he gets rid of Rachel or at least ties things up so Kalia can get rid of her, but I have a bad feeling.

21:30 - Oh Regan... you make my heart hurt!  How could you turn to the dark side?  And how could Rachel be friends with you after all the shit you said about her last year?  Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking about.

26:10 - Kali: "If Lawon goes home today I would feel a little responsible."  A little?!?!  If you played the game with any sort of intelligence it would be Porsche on the block, so I would say you are totally and completely responsible.

28:00 - Seriously, does anyone actually know what Lawon is talking about when he opens his mouth?

30:16 - Porsche should be on the block, not voting... and she votes in favor of Rachel.

30:36 - WHAT!!  Holy stupid, Batman!  Daniele votes for Lawon and I'm sitting here shaking my head along with Evel Dick.

33:50 - Please not Brendon.  Please not Brendon.  Please not Brendon...

35:24 - The first look on the evicted contestants faces said, "How the hell did Lawon get voted out over Rachel?"  The second look a brief minute later said, "If I win the vote, I'm back in the game because Lawon can't beat me at anything!"


38:34 - Please...

38:50 - I hate America and I'm not counting out the fact that this vote was most likely rigged by CBS.  How's not evicting Rachel looking now Daniele and Kalia?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Top 5 : Decades Of Rock

This week’s list is more of a ranking then a list.  I want to write about the best decades of rock music, but, saying that rock music started in the ‘50’s, I only have seven choices to pick from.  One of those decades we are in the middle of, so it’s pretty much impossible to compare it to anything yet.  Which leaves just six decades of music to pick from and since this is a top 5; I’m only really leaving out one decade.  So, I’m going to call this the Top 5 Decades Of Rock Music, but really, here is my ranking of the decades of rock music…

            5) 2000’s
                        This is really a pick’um between the 80’s and the 00’s.  Neither decade was very impressive or creative when it came to rock.  There was a lot of bad pop, bad music from groups that were once great, bad imitations of great music and bad attempts at new sounds.  The 80’s did have U2 and Def Leppard at their respective heights and a couple great Van Halen albums, but the music that defined the decade, stuff like new wave, just sucked.  The 00’s had the first Strokes album, interesting stuff by Radiohead, upstart indie bands like Say Anything and Streetlight Manifesto, a great Chemical Romance album and Jurassic 5 at their height.  All that gives the 00’s the edge over the 80’s.

            4) 1950’s
                        The history of rock music reminds me a lot of the course your favorite long running sitcom takes.  In this analogy the 50’s is the first season where you are introduced to the new show and all its characters.  It’s not the creative peak of the show but it will always be special because it’s the first time the show was made public.  The 50’s introduced rock music to the world and laid the roots for everything that has come since.  Elvis, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley, The Everly Brothers, The Platters.  These are all names that everybody knows, names that inspired thousands, names that set the foundation of everything that would come.  But still, the music is far from complex or any type of creative peak.  It was a great first season, but better stories were yet to be told.

            3) 1960’s
                        The 60’s is your typical 2nd season.  Most of the stories are similar, but you’re building on what was established in the first season.  Of course, included in the season are a couple of episodes that will become classics, episodes that will come to define what the show is, that nobody will forget.  Future seasons will reach creative peaks because of what was done with these episodes.  The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Otis Redding, The Kinks are these episodes.  The 60’s as a whole is not the best decade of rock, but it contains a few of the greatest musicians of any decade.  These three groups put 60’s ahead of 50’s, and light years ahead of the 00’s and 80’s, but their greatness wasn’t universal enough for me to rank it much higher.  Rock was still growing as an art but it now had its masters to lead the way.

                       Every good show seems to reach a creative plateau, the shows seem t0 become formulaic and stale and then all of a sudden they find some new wrinkle and bust out with a great season late in their run.  That’s what the 90’s is, that late season long after the creative peak that becomes another classic.  After the crap made in the 80’s, the 90’s brought us Radiohead, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Blues Traveler, The Black Crows, Cake, Rage Against The Machine, grunge, third wave ska, second wave punk, the best of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Beastie Boys and Metalica.  That’s not even mentioning the explosion of hip hop and electronica, two newer genres that gained both creative and popular traction.  I’m a little biased because this was the music of my young adult years, but the 90’s was a musical renaissance, something we could use another of sometime soon.

                      At about the third or fourth season every great TV show seems to reach its creative peak.  The characters have been developed and introduced, the story that needs to be told has been established, the writers are free to explore their art and brilliance happens.  That’s the 70’s, that first truly great season when all previous work has led to creative genius.  Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Who, early Chicago, Boston, early Van Halen, The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, Fleetwood Mac, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Stevie Wonder, early Talking Heads, Blondie, Van Morrison.  I could go on and on.  These musicians explored their art like no other decade and created some of the greatest music ever recorded.  They created new forms and new genres within the rock main frame in more abundance then any other decade.  As far as I’m concerned, the 70’s are the pinnacle of rock music

Monday, August 8, 2011

Big Brother 13 : It's Only A Game!

     Seriously people, it's only a game.  Can we stop with the tears?  Why Bill Simmons and his friends didn't include this show in their Reality TV Fantasy League is beyond me.  There were hundreds of crying points to be had in this episode.  The biggest mistake people make playing Big Brother is getting to emotional.  It's the reason people like Evel Dick are so good.  Not only is he able to avoid getting emotionally wrapped up in the house drama, but he is able to drive others off the deep end.  The minute you begin to cry or cry vengeance on others the game is beating you.  You have to keep a level head if you want to take home the half million.  It surprised me that Jordan started to let the game get to her.  She was above things during her season.  Wither due to stupidity and naivety or just an ability to remove herself from the bullshit, I don't remember her shedding tears and crying about injustice.  I hope it doesn't lead to her downfall.
     Kalia, tears aside, proved herself a poor player this week.  She can claim all she wants that she's not Daniele's puppet, but she just did Daniele's dirty work.  There was no reason to put Jeff on the block, you can't make two people go home, and by doing so made herself a huge target.  Daniele, on the other hand, is now sitting pretty.  Either Rachel or Jeff will be going home and there will be no blood on her hands at all.  I don't understand why people don't see Porsche as Rachel's lapdog?  The obvious nominations seemed to be Rachel and Porsche.  You send a message to Porsche and get to send Rachel home.  Who cares if she gets mad?  She hasn't done anything in the game or shown that she's capable of doing anything.  You have to know at this point that she's in bed with Rachel, so you'd also be taken away a vote for Rachel.  I understand it's easier seeing things on TV, but I find it hard to believe that the house guests don't realize that Porsche and Rachel are working together.
     Speaking of things being easier to see on TV, maybe Shelly is playing a better game then I give her credit for.  Nobody seems to realize that she is playing all sides of the house.  Daniele, and especially Kalia, don't seem to have a clue that Shelly can't be trusted as far as you can throw her.  Her social game must be a lot better then it appears on TV.  I've gotten a sleazy shady vibe from her right from the beginning, but nobody in the house has picked that up.  Everyone from Cassie to Dom to Kalia totally has believed that she is with them.  Even Rachel hasn't identified her as a "super floater" and she throws that insult around as often as she has ineffective plastic surgery.
     Here's this weeks rankings.  These don't really mean much though because "everything will change" depending on who comes back in the house...
          9) Rachel - God, I hope she goes home this week and doesn't come back.  After losing Brendon she has no one except Porsche on her side, so that means she has no one.  Am I a bad person that I got more enjoyment out of her crying after Brendon getting kicked out and her losing the HOH competition then anything else that has happened this year?
          8) Porsche - I'm not sure how she keeps flying under the radar, but it has to come to an end soon.  She can't win anything, she plays Rachel's lap dog, she doesn't stand a chance of winning.
          7) Lawon - Speaking of flying under the radar and being useless in competitions.  But the only one who seems to be against him in the house seems to be the camera that he's always yelling at.  Seriously, Lawon, the camera didn't do anything to you, speak normal.  He'll stay around a little longer because people can use his vote and he's no threat, but eventually he's going home.
          6) Kalia - Man, did she ever put a target on her own back.  The only thing she has going for her at the moment is that Daniele needs her around.  If Dom should get back in the house her stock will rise a little, but she pretty much sealed that she won't win this week.
          5) Adam - Another floater who is no treat to the big guns, but he has done a better job of playing both sides then anyone lower on this list.
          4) Jeff - He's just too much of a threat.  And with Brendon gone and Rachel probably next he doesn't have much support in the house.  There is always the threat of him pulling off a huge win streak but it's not looking good for him right now.
          3) Daniele - Things are looking pretty bright after what was certain demise a few weeks ago.  And thanks to Kalia's stupid nominations the target will be off her back for at least another week.  If Dom or Cassie get back in the house things will be looking even better for her.  Never count out the spawn of Evel Dick.
          2) Shelly - She seems to be playing the perfect social game at the moment.  If she can keep playing both sides as well as she has, she stand a great chance of winning.  I also have a strange feeling that she is laying low in competitions as well.  I keep waiting for her to go on a huge win streak.  Of course, her strategy has a way of blowing up in one's face, so this could change at any moment.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Big Brother 13 : Don't Vote For Brendon, America!

     I know I keep posting these things to late, but it's the best I can do with my schedule at the moment.  Here's this weeks live eviction journal...

0:16 - This looks like its going to be the most interesting vote of the season.  It's all going to come down to Adam or Shelly and I have no idea which way either is leaning.  Adam seems the most likely to vote Brendon and my fingers are crossed that he knows what's best for him in this game and gets rid of the annoying jerk.

1:09 - I don't get the point of Brendon lying about what he's going to do with the POV (Power of Veto).  He acts like it's one of the greatest deceptions in the history of the game and really it doesn't mean anything.  Instead of being surprised and upset, Daniele was probably jumping up and down inside because he did exactly what she wanted.  And any HOH (Head Of Household) worth their salt goes into a POV meeting with a plan of what to do if the POV is used on either person on the block.  I highly doubt Daniele didn't think at all of what to do should Brendon decide to us it on Rachel.  Thus, once again, Brendon was effective only in his head.

1:25 - Jordan was the only choice for Daniele, and being good players, both Jeff and Jordan understood that.  Pretty much anyone else would have gone home instead of Brendon.  Daniele had to take her chances with Jordan on the block because she had no other choice.

2:58 - Julie Chen says, "chivalry isn't dead."  No Julie, it isn't but obviously neither is stupidity.  Brendon tried to make the same mistake last season.  If this relationship is as strong as these two claim, they should be less worried about Brendon's chivalry and more about winning the prize money.  Brendon clearly has a much better chance of getting votes then Rachel.  Why take yourself out of the game and lessen the chances of you two taking home money?  It's a game, don't think that it's a format to make a statement of love.

4:12 - "Relationships are about sacrifice," Brendon said.  But you just sacrificed half a million dollars and your relationship wouldn't have been any different if you had protected yourself.  I spend a lot of time bashing these two, but in all honesty their kind of sad.  This game is their life and they don't seem to understand at all that it's a game.  As much as I want to be mad at them or hate them for being idiots, I really just pity how pathetic they are.

5:08 - I know she won once and that might make a difference, but what a contrast Jordan is to Brendon and Rachel.  If she gets voted off tonight she said she is going to be upset because she's not going to wear the dress she bought for getting evicted.  Not that her friends back stabbed her.  Not that she wasn't supposed to be going home.  Not that she lost a chance to win another half million.  That she didn't get to wear a dress she bought for a specific reason.

5:10 - I find it so painful to watch these two cry and whine and fawn over each other I just fast forward through all these stupid scenes.  The joy of watching TV on Tivo!

9:13 - The King and Queen hold court, or at least that's how everyone treats them.  I hope these fools are just acting when they talk to these two like they are higher human beings.  This is one of the reasons I wouldn't last long in this game, I would never be able to bow to these two and act servile.  I'd probably piss them off in the first two minutes and be gone the first week.

12:40 - Oh no!  Porsche just got caught talking to someone other then Rachel!!  Crazy ass Rachel might change her target after that faux pas.

14:20 - "Everyone's in this game for themselves!"  Rachel finally figured it out.  All this time and I thought the point of the game was to allow Brendon and Rachel win.  How dare people actually try to win themselves!

14:30 - Where's the fast forward button?

16:42 - And I'm back... or maybe not...

18:40 - Now I'm back.  Tivo makes the show 100 times better.

19:15 - Can we just bring Evel Dick in to co-host with Julie?

22:10 - Nice analysis, Dick.  I feel like I've heard (or written) the same thing.

25:22 - Wait... Rachel and Brendon are engaged?!?!  I never knew.  That's crazy.  Next thing you're going to tell me is Brendon is going for a PhD.

28:27 - YES!!  Way to go, Adam!  Bye bye, Brendon!

34:50 - Finally, it's new twist time.  This season may have set the Big Brother record for longest stretch of time without "everything changing."

36:00 - Son of a bitch.  If Brendon gets back in this game I will lose all faith in America.  Do you hear me, America?  DON'T VOTE FOR BRENDON!!

37:17 - Time for HOH.  Anyone but Rachel win... Anyone but Rachel win... Anyone but Rachel...

38:17 - Shit, Rachel is really good at these types of competitions.

40:02 - OH YEAH!  Now we just need Porsche, Rachel's slightly smarter twin to lose.

40:57 - Come on, Kalia...

41:09 - Well, that couldn't have worked out any better.  Now the question is, who do you put on the block?  I might go with Shelly and Porsche just to drive Rachel even closer to the brink of total melt down.  And remember... DON'T VOTE FOR BRENDON!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Book Review : The Fountainhead

          As I read Ayn Rand’s protagonist, Howard Roark, go on about the problem with living through others, that people don’t “want to be great, but to be thought great,” I couldn’t help but think of where I work.  My day job is for a major American corporation and at that corporation there is a board in a hallway that is filled with cards of recognition.  We are told we need to put cards on the board recognizing others on the job.  The board was created supposedly because employees didn’t feel they weren’t recognized enough.  The thing is anyone can write a card about anything that happens during the day.  A kid who has been on the job two days can recognize someone who has been around for two years for making them laugh.  Where is the greatness in any of that?  The cards, and the program as a whole, have no merit or value.  The crazy thing is how many people buy into it, how eager and excited they are to receive a card in their name.  I couldn’t help but think how disgusted Howard Roark would be.  These people weren’t striving or yearning for greatness, they were striving and yearning to be seen as great.
            Ayn Rand’s “philosophies” are far from perfect.  Most academics don’t even except her as a philosopher.  And I have to admit, I found most of her views much more palatable when I read Atlas Shrugged at 23 then reading The Fountainhead at 34.  The idea that capitalism is the perfect form of government for every man to achieve his potential, while totally acceptable to a naive youth, now seems no more believable then the idea that communism being the perfect government for an equal peaceful society.  History has proven that capitalism corrupts and stifles creativity and personal success just as much as any type of socialism.  Every government is susceptible to tyrants and Rand’s belief that in capitalism these tyrants will be eventually trumped by man’s greatness is just too naive and idealistic for reality.  The Ellsworth Toohey’s of the world have hijacked society because capitalism allows them to and as much as the Howard Roark’s try to rise above once you have the power it’s near impossible to lose.  The Fountainhead seemed to down play the importance of money, that the human spirit was more important, but in capitalism, money is power and influence and once you have that you set the rules.
            As far as Rand’s literary prowess goes, she falls short there as well.  Although her prose is very effective and at times beautiful, she could have used a better editor.  As much as I enjoy reading her descriptions and at times, get pulled into her extremely interesting characters, she tends to beat certain points to death.  The Fountainhead runs 695 tiny fonted pages and I could easily remove 100 to 200 of those pages without hurting a thing.  Do we really need five or six exactly the same examples of Roark being turned down for jobs?  I got the point after two.  How many times do we need to read about Gail Wynand worshiping Dominique Francon before we understand his feelings?  Certainly not as many examples as Rand uses.  Not that Rand needs more help getting her message out there, but it seems she could have been more effective if she cut more to the chase.
            But back to the point I started with.  As flawed as Rand’s ideas and writings may be, there is a reason her works are so popular.  There is meat in the pages of The Fountainhead, things we can take out and use in our lives.  As simplistic as the good vs. evil world Rand constructs is, there are lessons to be learned.  There is no reason we should not strive to be more like Howard Roark, to live for ourselves and not others.  If you are constantly looking for approval and validation from others you will never be satisfied.  There is no reason we should not be calling out people who like Ellsworth Toohey use the idea of collectivism to gain their own power.  The Jesse Jacksons, the George Bushs, the Nancy Pelosis who use and sway and mold public opinion for their own benefit.  As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “what is true for you is true for all mankind,” and when we wait for the media to tell us what we think or like we fall short of that ideal.  At the heart of it, this is what The Fountainhead is trying to tell us.  Don’t let others determine that you are doing your job with bromides written on trite cards posted on a drab corkboard.  Be true to yourself, do what is right in your heart and other people’s opinions won’t matter.  Idealistic and a little sappy for sure, but is it really a bad idea to guide your life by?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Top 5 : Fake Animal Violence Scenes

     Nothing makes me laugh harder then fake violence.  I know, technically all violence in movies and television is fake, but I'm talking the real over the top stuff that isn't supposed to look real at all.  Stuff like Mini-me fighting Austin Powers.  For whatever reason these types of scenes leave me in stitches.  My favorite genre of fake violence is the animal vs human variety.  Nothing has me rolling on the floor faster then a guy getting into a fight with an animal.  There is absolutely nothing highbrow about this list, but here are my top 5 favorite fake animal violence scenes anyway...

5) Saving Silverman
          A somewhat underrated movie starring Jason Biggs, Jack Black and one of my all time favorite comedic actors, Steve Zahn.  Zahn is an animal removal guy who is going to get rid of a raccoon under an old woman's porch.  He pulls out a baby raccoon, then gets attacked by it's mother... hilarity ensues.  I'm probably in the minority, but the "rodent on the face" gag never gets old.

4) Semi-Pro
          This scene is more about the set up and finish then it is about funny fake violence but I still put it on the list because it's so damn funny and the humor does center around man vs animal violence.  This movie doesn't get enough credit for how funny it is and this scene is one of Ferrell's best as far as I'm concerned.  My favorite line, "Your refund will be escaping this death trap with your life!"

3)  Something About Mary
          This is a fake animal violence classic.  The look on Ben Stiller's face when he jumps out of the way and the dog goes flying through the window is priceless.

2)  Christmas Vacation
          The scene when the squirrel jumps out of the Christmas tree and chases the family around the house is pure comedy.  I start to crack up in anticipation of this one.  I must have seen this movie a hundred times and I still laugh as hard as I did the first time.  It might be my all time favorite scene in any movie.  Another hilarious fake animal violence scene in this one is when the family realizes that the aunt has wrapped her cat up as a present.  Chevy Chase trying to hold on to the box as it shakes around is fantastic.

1)  Rocket Man
          A little known movie starring a little known stand-up comedian, Harland Williams.  Williams plays a dimwit who gets a chance to be sent into space but he has to compete with a chimp for the job.  They get into a hilarious fight that goes on mostly in the background as NASA scientists are talking in the foreground about the candidates.  It's fake animal violence at it's absolute best.

Honorable Mention : Animal, Rob Schneider vs Orangutan; Happy Gilmore, Happy vs Alligator

Monday, August 1, 2011

Big Brother 13 : Please Vote Off Rachel

     You know that the people who cast Big Brother are looking for the most emotionally unstable contestants they can find.  It's the only way I can explain the unnatural mood swings that occur in the house.  If you've watched enough seasons of the show, which almost all the contestants claim to do, logic tells you never get to confident or depressed because things will change but where would the good TV be in a bunch of even keeled people?
     When Daniele won the HOH (Head Of Household) you would have thought there was a death in the house.  It seemed as if the Vets and their lap dogs didn't even think of the possibility one of them wouldn't win the competition.  Which is absurd.  Nobody in the history of Big Brother has had an alliance win every HOH.  At some point someone else was going to win and one of the Vets was going to be sent home.  Daniele can only put two people of the block.  At this point in the game the odds are in your favor.  Why get worked up before the nominations are made?  Shelly, Lawon and Porsche had to know that they were safe (even though I would have put up Porsche with Rachel just to let her know how annoying her lap do routine was) and if one of the other four goes home, they still have numbers.  Why get upset?  I mean, you don't act all happy, you don't want to celebrate someone else's demise, but the somber thing is just too much.
     The same goes for Daniele.  There is no reason for her to be celebrating that she's back in the game.  She's far from back in the game.  All she did was delay her exit and insure that she will leave with a little blood on her hands.  Her deal with Jeff is a solid move, but if Jeff and Jordan throw the next HOH so one of the other three people in their alliance wins the deal is no good and Daniele goes home.  Each week in the Big Brother house is a new game and to let your emotions and confidence swing to much either way is just folly.
     I still don't know that Daniele and Kalia realize how much Shelly, and Adam to a lesser extent, are as much lap dogs to the Vets as Porsche is.  Their comments seem to suggest they still trust those two, which is either a credit to the lap dogs game play or a discredit to the two ladies.  As a viewer, and as Dom tried to point out on his way out the door, is extremely off putting.  I hate lap dogs almost as much as Rachel hates floaters.  I don't understand the strategy at all.  It seems to say, I can't win so I'll just do what these people say and hope to stay around as long as I can.  Both Shelly and Adam would stand a better chance of winning if they teamed with Daniele and Kalia.  Daniele needs to sell them on this idea.  But I fear she doesn't realize how much in the other camp they are and won't feel it's necessary.
     Since we are down to the final 10, I'll end this weeks post with a ranking of the contestants from worst chance of winning to best...

10) Porsche - I forgot Rachel's slightly smarter twin was in the house.  She has zero chance of winning.
9)  Rachel - She's too emotional and too hated to make it all the way.
8)  Adam - He can't win competitions and acts like a lap dog.
7)  Brendon - pretty much the same reasons as Rachel except he's a little more liked.
6)  Daniele - She might be able to pull something out of her ass, but as it stands now she's in trouble.
5)  Kalia - She's gone right after Daniele.
4)  Lawon - I have no reading on this guy.  They haven't shown anything to let us know where he stands in the game.
3)  Shelly - She won't be going anywhere in the next couple of weeks and she may be smart enough to switch sides in time to save herself.
2)  Jeff - He can win competitions, he keeps a level head with his game play, people in the house like him, he has the numbers in his favor.
1)  Jordan - all the same reasons as Jeff except people like her a bit more and perceive her as less of a threat.